45 - This Is HAllOwEEn (halloween, HALLOWEEN)

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A/N - My apologies for taking so long with this chapter!

I have had a very up-and-down two weeks and am only just getting back into the swing of things again.

Also me and my snazzy outfits again. Can't help it - I just adore a costume 😄

Enjoy the chapter ❤


"I'm not going."

"Uh, Sherlock, yes. Yes, you are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Lestrade has kindly invited us to this party." John said, "You can't back out last minute."

"I'm not wearing a costume."

"It's a costume party!" John gestured to his own outfit, consisting of bandages, bandages and more bandages.

"So, I will go as a consulting detective. Near enough a costume, isn't it, John?

"I would argue that your vicar disguise was better."

Sherlock mocked John silently.

"What are you two complaining about now?" Elizabeth asked, strutting into the room, dressed as a fallen angel.

"He doesn't want to wear a - a costume." John was stunned by her efforts.

The thief smiled a silent thank you at the doctor but turned her attention to Sherlock, "Bit abnormal for you, Sherlock. I thought you liked dressing up?"

Sherlock was looking out of the window, "I refuse to dress up for ridiculous superstitious events that originally came about because our ancestors were too thick to realise that ghosts were not - not - not, uh, real." The moment he turned to face her, he was in awe of her beauty again, even in a silly costume.

Elizabeth grinned. She liked to surprise him, "Like it?"

"Y - yes."

"Thank you." The thief strolled over to the detective, "Would you wear a costume for me?" She asked, straightening out his collar.

"I - no. No. I would not." He tried to keep a straight face.

"You're cute when you're nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

"Mm, erratic heartbeat would say otherwise." She spoke in a hush tone, using his own methods against him, as she held her hand on his chest.

"I - "

Elizabeth kissed him, on the lips, once again for a distraction. Her other hand snuck up to his curls and rapidly slid a devil horns headband on him. She pulled away grinning.


John stiffled his laughter at the scene that had played out in front of him. Sherlock stood there, blinking at her, unsure of what had just happened. He felt on top of his head for the horns and even walked over to the mirror above the fireplace to see. He frowned.


"Yes." Elizabeth chuckled, "It's only fair."

"How is this fair?"

"Do you really think we all wanna be dressed up like this? John looks like a walking noodle for goodness sake."

"Hm, yeah, thanks for that." John chortled.

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