8 - Fickle

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A/N: Minor warning, again, literally just one/two bits of profanity but other than that, all is fine.

Hope you enjoy! 😄


The next evening, the three of them got ready for the party. Mycroft met them at the flat after John had updated him on what was happening (Sherlock had said that he was 'too busy' to converse with Mycroft).

Elizabeth was getting ready in Sherlock's room and was taking an awfully long time in his mind. John was already kitted out with the gear that Mycroft had given them, such as a minute mic to listen in on the conversations that they would have, and had his mask in hand, ready for when he would need it at the party. Sherlock was pretty much ready bar the absence of his bow tie.

The detective wandered over to his room to check on Elizabeth. He knocked on the door gently.


"Are you almost finished?"

"Almost, just putting on the last touches."

Sherlock nodded to himself as he started to tie his bow tie around his neck. He considered going back to John and Mycroft but then another question popped into his head. He asked, facing away from the door, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Do you dance?"

This wasn't Sherlock's normal job and whilst disguising was a part of it, he had never used it yet to enter a party such as the one they were going to attend. Admittedly, he was excited about the change. A new adventure - one that might even involve dancing. He didn't let on to many people but he did enjoy a dance. As a finishing touch, he ruffled his hair. Sherlock still hadn't seen Elizabeth's outfit for the party and it was safe to say he was curious considering that she had told him the evening before that 'he would find out soon' rather than just showing him the garment there and then. He thought that he had already waited around long enough at the dress shop to earn him a glimpse but apparently not.

The door opened behind him, gaining his attention as Elizabeth walked out, dressed in a simple red, mermaid dress, mask in hand. She was wearing a light layer of foundation and her light brown hair was in an elegant updo. For a moment he found that he was speechless and he had no clue why. She looked radiant.

"Sherlock?" Elizabeth waved her hands in front of him.

He blinked quickly, looking to Elizabeth questioningly.

"I said that I do - dance, I mean." She smiled, "You were in your own little world for a moment, weren't you?"

"Yes - yes, something like that." He nodded now looking to the floor briefly, "That's good - good that you dance."

Silence fell over their short conversation and both of them shuffled on their feet. He had looked at her as though he was actually paying attention to her, rather than daydreaming about other things. Admittedly, it was a bit unsettling but this was Sherlock. She was beginning to learn that he wasn't your average human being in terms of social cues.

John popped his head into the doorway, "Everything okay?"

"Yes, thank you, John." Sherlock nodded, "We were just about to come to the lounge." 

He gestured for Elizabeth to go first and she thanked him quietly, walking past Sherlock. The detective strode after her promptly arriving in the lounge alongside his friend and the thief. Mycroft caused Elizabeth a wary glance, as did she to him. He noticed this of course.

"I won't be sedating you again. I think we would all find it rather pointless at this time."

"Well, a girl can't be too careful." She muttered.

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