55 - Am I Just A Disadvantage To You?

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A/N - The tension rises - will Elizabeth and Sherlock's relationship be okay?

Minor warning, bad language used but again Idk how many of you really need to be bothered by that  😂


It was a very, very quiet drive to Mycroft's mansion. Mycroft sat in the passenger seat while the other three sat at the back.

The older Holmes looked out of the window, quietly displeased with the fact that Irene had seemingly succeeded with her little plan and Elizabeth had broken the terms of her house arrest. He always knew this would happen though. Perhaps she was still in contact with Moriarty somehow? Perhaps she was scouting for information? Although, he struggled to see how the fact that their project had been cancelled would be decent enough information to want to overhear.

Sherlock, Irene and Elizabeth sat in the back, with Irene in the middle this time.

Sherlock couldn't look at Irene and consequently Elizabeth as well. His head rested on his hand as he, too, stared at the moving scenery outside. How could he have been so stupid? How could his fondness of The Woman blinded him so blatantly and yet unknowingly? What did Elizabeth think of him now? What if Elizabeth would end up pulling the same trick on him as Irene? No. Elizabeth wouldn't do that, he thought. She was too far gone on their side to even attempt getting Moriarty to take her back. Her burnt flat was enough evidence of that.

Irene felt uncomfortable with the tension for once in her life. She was always used to causing tension but this felt different. This atmosphere was chaotic - and not sexually - a ticking time-bomb just waiting to go off. She had put a wedge between Elizabeth and Sherlock, emotionally and literally given where she was sat. And she knew Mycroft wouldn't exactly be impressed with Elizabeth having followed her unaccompanied. She was never meant to follow.

Elizabeth just played with the silver ring on her finger. She was quietly terrified about what the outcome of tonight would be having felt the holes burned into her by Mycroft's gaze. She had no clue where Irene would lead her - it was just unfortunate that it led her right to Mycroft. While scared, she was also confused. She had no idea what she had walked into on the plane. What she did know is that Sherlock had looked abnormally shaken and she didn't think that it was caused by her arrival, rather by something said beforehand.

Elizabeth would ask but she felt too threatened by the silence to speak.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

They arrived at Mycroft's mansion relatively faster than normal considering the lack of traffic in the evening. Sherlock, Irene and Elizabeth were ushered inside by Mycroft, who tended to stay nearer to Elizabeth as though worried she would try to steal something else.

He brought them into his living room, where once he had sat down with Sherlock and John to discuss the Kelly case.

Sherlock went straight for the chair by the fireplace, Mycroft directed Elizabeth to the other and he and the Dominatrix went to sit at the dark oak table.

Again the four sat in the quiet, not daring to speak.

Elizabeth frowned as she watched Sherlock stare at the fire, as though entranced by the burning wood. For once, she saw him fidget absentmindedly, his one hand dancing on his leg while the other twitched. He looked perturbed. What had happened before she had arrived? She wanted to ask, but her words refused to make themselves known.

As this happened, Mycroft had taken The Woman's phone (of which he had confiscated before they left the airport) out of his pocket, placing it on the table in front of him. He rested his forehead on his fingers as he stared down the device which allegedly held knowledge that could 'topple his whole world'.

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