92 - Guess Who's Back

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A/N - Woo! An update! A very, long overdue update but at least it is here now!

I do check long chapters several times over for typos, but all the words start to blend into one after a while so I have done my best - if there is a typo I missed, please don't hesitate or feel rude pointing it out 😊

Anyways, I shan't keep you on a boring A/N any longer!


The thief stirred at the feeling of a chilly breeze tickling her bare shoulder, causing goosebumps to arise across her body. Groaning, she stretched slightly, rolling her shoulders before she lay on her back. She turned her head, looking beside her to find the detective was gone but still ran her hand across his side of the bed. It was cold. He must have left some time ago.

"Typical." She laughed through her nose, "Stick around for the fun but not for the pillow talk."

This wasn't true of course. The past two times they had spoken after. Apparently, the third time wasn't the charm in this case.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Elizabeth walked into the living room, dressed in Sherlock's beige gown. She was a little bit upset that the blue gown was gone as that was her favourite - she thought that herself and Sherlock had that silent understanding but, that said, they were still his gowns.

Worry carved faint wrinkles into her brow. Where was Sherlock? Where was her phone so that she could ask where Sherlock was? She looked everywhere: the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom and the bedroom and even the landing and couldn't find it anywhere.

Footsteps lowly rumbled as John headed down the stairs, strolling into 221B with a friendly air about him. He saw Elizabeth rush from the kitchen and into the living room, straight for the desk by the windows and observed her frantically picking up books and papers alike. The doctor's eyebrows knotted together as he watched her rushed movements.

"Lose something?" He deduced.

"Oh, John!" Elizabeth jumped, looking at him with deep concern, "Sorry, you haven't seen my phone have you?" She turned back to the cluttered desk, shuffling more books and papers around, "I can't find it anywhere."

"Uh no, sorry. Where did you have it last?"

"I could have sworn it was on my bedside table but I checked all around there - under the bed, under the little table, behind the table and bed - it's not there."

"Mm...where's Sherlock? Have you asked him?"

"I don't know, we were..." Elizabeth paused, "Spending time together and...I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, he was gone."

John nodded, "Right...and you've checked everywhere?"

"Yep - John, could you please phone or text Sherlock? Just find out where he is and if he's seen my phone?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." The army doctor nodded, fetching his phone out of his jean pocket.

John brought the phone up to his ear as he watched Elizabeth continue to search under the couch.


"Everything alright, John?"

"Yeah, no, everything's good - where are you?"


John nodded, "Hey, listen, have you seen Elizabeth's phone? She can't - "

"Has she checked under my chair? She has the tendency to fall asleep there sometimes - the phone may have fallen on the floor."

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