A/N - Not urgent, do not have to read...

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Update: transpires it's just Wattpad being annoying but now we keep my panic for the history books... 🤣😭😭

Hi all, sorry for the urgent update but I feel this needs to be addressed.

I've noticed on some of my chapters that random comments are being reported and I have no idea why or how???

I don't know if I have a protective silent reader out there, but if so, please know that any comments that I view as rude or mean and are aimed towards me as opposed to the character, I get rid of myself!

And if in the unfortunate situation that it isn't a protective reader, then whoever you are stop harassing my book, I implore you please!

Just some examples, I hope you don't mind me sharing (if you do let me know and I will take them down!):

Just some examples, I hope you don't mind me sharing (if you do let me know and I will take them down!):

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Comments can literally make my mood skyrocket on some days and I have been having a really crap time lately, so if you are the person who is doing this and you have some empathy or you don't realise the adverse impact you're having on me right  no...

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Comments can literally make my mood skyrocket on some days and I have been having a really crap time lately, so if you are the person who is doing this and you have some empathy or you don't realise the adverse impact you're having on me right  now while intending to be nice, I'm telling you now please stop.

It's unnecessary and some so the comments you've reported don't even have swears in so where's the sense in that?

That wasn't a dig at swears, I'm fine with them, but I meant in terms of them being "found offensive" by someone else.

Please stop, like I literally don't even know what to do to make it stop other than ask nicely 🤷‍♀️

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