3 - Attempted Escape

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A/N: Hiya, here's a little update - updates will be slow but I will appreciate if you give my story a chance ^-^ Enjoy, my lovelies!


"SHER - AH!"

At hearing the yell, the heads of both Mycroft and Sherlock whipped to the closed living room door, both their gazes were ones of confusion and yet presumption of the worst. Sherlock wasted no more time thinking and sprinted straight out of the door and up the stairs to see light spilling out of an open doorway. Mycroft followed swiftly after Sherlock as he entered his drawing room to see John on the floor and woman crouched by him, hurriedly zipping up her backpack. Elizabeth's gaze moved quickly to the two brothers in the doorway.

"What did you do?" The fury was clear in his tone, as the detective stepped forward.

Elizabeth got up, stepping back as though she were prey being cornered, "He's fine, just asleep."

"Why are you here? No, what did you take?" Sherlock asked as he scanned John's sleeping form and then the rest of the room before ending on Elizabeth, "Mycroft, what files are missing?"

"How do you know I took a file?"

"Government official, private room, filing cabinets, your clothing, your unexpected appearance, also your confirmation." He listed off arrogantly, "Mycroft, check your filing cabinet."

The brother hurried over to the filing cabinets at the back of the room as Elizabeth edged closer to the window, eyes fixed on the two of them, waiting for a signal for her to get a move on. She half expected them to be distracted by John's unconscious body but apparently that wasn't enough of a deterrent.

Mycroft shut the filing cabinet, his eyes gravely landing on Elizabeth, when he discovered what file was missing, "Sherlock - "

"How important is the file?"

There was a pause as Mycroft discreetly reached behind the cabinet, drawing out a dark, thin cylinder, no more than three inches long, "It breaches international security."

Elizabeth took several steps back, keeping the idea of her escape through the window in her mind. She needed to go but these were not her average victims. Who knew what they would do?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Sherlock warned her, taking a step forward every time she took a step back.

"Or what?"

"Selling state secrets is treason. Selling international ones - even worse." Sherlock closed the wide gap between them by taking two steps forward, "Hand over the file you took and perhaps you won't get a life sentence."

Elizabeth smiled, "You won't get me."

"That's a pretty arrogant thing to say to someone whose solved every case they've been given."

"Consider this the first you won't solve then. I have protection." Her back hit the ledge of the open window.

Sherlock took his steps carefully, subtly getting closer to her. Elizabeth still noticed though. She wouldn't let them get her. Not them. Evading them was part of the challenge and she aimed to please Jim. What none of them expected was John's groan as he came back around which drew Sherlock's attention away from Elizabeth at just the right time.

She made her move to go out of the window until she felt another grip on her arm. Her sapphire eyes widened as she looked back to see Mycroft gripping her wrist and then proceeding to bring the thin, black cylinder onto her upper arm. She felt a sharp scratch as the small item made contact with her skin and she visciously drew her arm away, and shoved Mycroft back. He stumbled back into Sherlock who consequently prevented his brother from falling. Elizabeth's leg was already outside the window but as she turned, an overwhelming sense of dizziness washed over her. What the hell had Mycroft done to her? She gripped the window ledge as the world around her spun.

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