25 - Intruders

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The leader of the group of men stormed in with an air of authority, barking commands at the three in the room with a harsh tone. He also held a gun, aiming it with a steady hand at those in the room, so it was clear to see that he wasn't messing around.

"Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still!"

While The Woman tried to move away to the window, she didn't go unnoticed as one man quickly assigned himself to her and grabbed her by the shoulder. He directed her to the floor by the sofa. The main man headed straight for Sherlock and two more men walked in, marching John over to stand by The Woman.

"Sorry, Sherlock." The army doctor muttered as he was forced down by the mysterious bodyguard.

"Miss Adler, on the floor!" The leader instructed.

With one man for Miss Adler and one for John, the last man headed straight for Elizabeth and grabbed her roughly by the shoulder.

She ripped her shoulder away from him, "Grab me like that again and I swear to God you will lose a hand." The thief warned.

"Don't do as we say and you will find a bullet in your head, Miss Parrish. Now, over by the other two." The American demanded.

Looking to Sherlock, he nodded for her to calm and do as they said. Reluctantly, she headed over to kneel by John and Miss Adler.

"Don't you want me on the floor, too?" Sherlock asked.

"No, sir, I want you to open the safe." The leader hissed.

"American. Interesting. Why would you care?" The detective questioned aloud, throwing a look to The Woman.

"Sir, the safe, now, please."

"I don't know the code."

"We've been listening, she said she told you."

"Well, if you've been listening, you'll know she didn't."

"I'm assuming I missed something. From your reputation, I assume you didn't, Mr Holmes."

John spoke up now, the panic of having a gun pointed at the back of his head clearly getting to him, "She's the one who knows the code, ask her!" He looked at The Woman as he said this.

"Yes, sir, she also knows the code that calls the police and sets off the burglar alarm."

Elizabeth gingerly suggested, "Or - I can try and get into the safe. I'm a professional burglar after all."

"Ah, unfortunately, should you try and access the safe any other way, the alarm will be tripped. Convenient, isn't it, Miss Adler? I've learned not to trust her."

The Woman felt the need to speak now, "Mr Holmes doesn't - "

"Shut up!" The ringleader of this act barked, "One more word out of you, just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head."

Elizabeth saw Sherlock and Miss Adler share a look. Did that mean that he really did have the code or not? She couldn't tell.

"That, for me, will not be a hardship."

Needless to say, the Americans clearly had it out for the Dominatrix. What the hell had Mycroft gotten them mixed up in? Why did she blame Mycroft? He was the one that asked them to take the case after all. Get the pictures, they said. It'll be easy, they said. Well, they didn't say it would be easy. This was the epitome of the opposite of easy after all.

"Mr Archer, Mr Davis, on the count of three, shoot Dr Watson and Miss Parrish."

John breathed and tensed at feeling the barrel of the gun on his neck, "What?"

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