46 - Christmas Time, Apologies & Wine

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A/N - Another long chapter! We are just skipping through the holidays here 😂

Get comfy and enjoy!


November and most of December flew by quicker than you could say 'retired thief'. The month was quiet in terms of Moriarty's activity once again. Quiet in terms of any cases surrounding the Forty Elephants also.

Elizabeth was really starting to believe that Jim didn't intend to harm her.

Come late December, the thief and detective grew ever closer and yet still remained distant outside the parameters of 221B. It was frustrating for Elizabeth to live with a man such as Sherlock, who she would deem a Jekyll and Hyde. The only difference with Sherlock's Hyde was that he wasn't violent; just cold.

Sherlock merely wanted to protect her. Being a consulting detective, one made enemies with the criminals one discovered. And knowing that Elizabeth would already have made enemies of her own, not only through her work but also by the mere fact of knowing Moriarty, he didn't want to add any more unwanted attention.

Of course, Elizabeth may have been far more understanding had he just explained this too her.

"I just feel like it's an act, Sherlock. Like - like I'm a secret. You freak out when we hold hands in public, for God's sake."

"It's not an act, Elizabeth. I care for you, I swear it. And besides, I am...affectionate."

"Yes, within the safety of 221B. But even then Sherlock, I'm still the one to initiate most of the embraces and most of the kisses. I don't ask for much but seriously? I can count the number of times you have initiated any displays of affection in the last four weeks on my right hand."

Sherlock said nothing, just looked at her from his chair with a distressed expression.

She sighed, "I know you are not totally new to this. Mycroft mentioned you had a school sweetheart - "


"But seeing how you are now - "

"Who? "

"Just makes me wonder who dumped who? The reason is obvious, it's just a matter of who let who down?"

"Elizabeth - "

"I just want you to try a little more, Sherlock. For me. I know you say you are married to your work but still. Relationships are two-way systems. It requires both of us to make an effort. At the moment, I feel like I'm doing all the hard work."

At this point, Sherlock stood, practically lunging over to Elizabeth, just to take her hands in his. He gently massaged her knuckles with his thumb:

"I'm sorry you feel that way." He spoke genuinely, "I just - I want to keep you safe."

"I am safe."

"But you're not. Just being here with me, puts you in danger too. Moriarty might have let you go but what about the people you've wronged in the past? People like Scarlett? And then there are the people I have wronged, the kind of people who will try to get to me through the people I hold closest in my life."

"Sherlock, it's my choice to be here. I asked you to protect me from Moriarty -  not the world. I know the risks. But I want to be here for you, with you. I wouldn't be here otherwise."

Sherlock's one hand rested her cheek, his thumb brushing a strand of hair away, "I do care for you."

"I care for you too. All I ask is that you put in the same amount of effort as I am so it feels less one-way."

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