37 - An Unexpected Kiss

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After mingling a bit more with the odd few people in the crowd, Elizabeth excused herself so she could find the bathroom. Past it, there would be a staircase that only staff at the mansion used and would be their unsuspecting way up to the second floor of the building where Mr Armistead's office would be. She lingered by the stairs, waiting for Sherlock join her.

He appeared moments later, "Go on, go. Right behind you."

They hurried up the two flights of stairs and opened the door that led out into the corridor of the second floor. No lights were on which only made the hallway more eerie.

"Private security will be making their rounds. We have approximately...five minutes to find his study before an officer comes back this way."

"Okay, you check the doors on the left, I'll do right."

"Got it."

And down the corridor they snuck, checking all the handles on the way. They walked into bedrooms and cupboards and other odd rooms alike. In the middle, left side of the hallway was a double doorway. When Elizabeth checked the handles, the doors didn't open. They were locked.

"Sherlock. I think it's this one. Unsurprisingly locked."

"Can you get in?"

"Really? How do you think I got into Mycroft's office?"


She opened her purse, pulling out a small lock picking kit and crouched in front of the keyhole. Elizabeth got to work on opening the door.

"How many times have you done this?"

"Too many to count. Now shush. I need to - oh no."

"Oh no what?"

Elizabeth looked up at Sherlock, "The pick broke."


"The pick, the lock pick broke. It snapped. In the door. Do you have a card or a pin or anything?"

There was a shine of light from around the corner down the hallway.

"Oh, not good. Not good. Sherlock, get away from the door." Elizabeth muttered, putting her mini kit back in her purse as fast as she could be for standing up and hurrying over to Sherlock.

The light was getting bigger and brighter. Any moment the officer would turn the corner. She had to think quick. They could go into a room but then it would be noticeable that they were hiding. Plain sight though. They could do that. That would work.

"I need you not to freak out about what I'm about to do." She said urgently.

Sherlock frowned, "Wh - ?!"

Before he could reply, Elizabeth had pushed Sherlock against the wall, pressing her lips against the detective's.

Her one hand rested on his chest while the other travelled to the back of his head. The bristles of his fake moustache irked her but somehow she didn't mind at the same time. Had she intended this to happen? Not at all. Had she wished it to happen? Possibly. Did she, if she ever thought this would happen, expect it to happen like this? God, no.

But happen, it did.

Sherlock was in shock. Never had he expected this. Perhaps he too had wanted this but he didn't think it would happen. And for some reason, he really didn't expect Elizabeth to be the one to initiate it. His hands rested on her hips and for a moment he didn't kiss back.

But then he did.

He found her lips addictively soft. Was that even possible? He could taste a bitter hint of her lipstick in his mouth but he wasn't too bothered by it. Their kiss was passionate, almost soul-sucking but full of lust yet he knew it was part of an act. It was all part of an act. His desire for her was an act. Her desire for him was an act.

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