52 - Discord

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A/N - A chapter I finished off in between the online course because I have almost become addicted to updating 😂 is that even possible? Idk but I appreciate that my mind is on a roll with this story 😄


Elizabeth was the one to wake Irene, seemingly feeling protective over her new nest again, "Irene. Wake up."

The Woman groaned, shifting under the duvet slightly, peeking open her eyes to peer at the small crowd looking at her.

She smiled coyly, "You're finally all back. I was wondering when you would be. It's a very comfy bed, this."

"Yeah, alright Goldilocks, up."

The Dominatrix saw the harsh looking bruise and cut on the side of her head, "Ooh, that looks nasty, how did you get that?"

Elizabeth just kept scowling at her.

Irene smiled again at Elizabeth when she didn't respond, "I'm getting the impression that I've done something to upset you."

"A - you died, B - you've been texting Sherlock an awful lot and C - you've messed up the bed that I made this morning."

Irene sat up in the bed, sharing a look with John and Sherlock before meeting with Elizabeth's hard stare again, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a tad bit jealous, Elizabeth. Did you say you made the bed? Oh, did you and the detective - "

"Irene." Elizabeth was trying her best to remain composed, "Shut up and get up. Now."

"Mm, yes ma'am." Irene stretched, drawing out her time in the bed as much as possible, "Tell me, did you ever consider joining a profession such as mine? I would gladly hire you if you bossed everyone around like that."

Both John and Sherlock saw that Elizabeth was getting more riled up by the second. And Sherlock could see that Irene was finding some enjoyment in winding her up. Elizabeth's jaw flexed as she burned holes into The Woman. She let out a shaky breath before leaving the room. If she stayed, she didn't know what she might do or say.

John looked between Sherlock and The Woman before heading after Elizabeth to make sure that she was alright.

Elizabeth was sat on the sofa in the lounge, running her hands through her hair. It was supposed to be a good day. Not a 'let's harbour Irene today' day. And for her to just waltz in here, acting like she owned the place, after the week they had? Ha, anybody would be nuts to think Elizabeth wouldn't be annoyed.

"You okay?" John asked.

"Define okay." Elizabeth hissed at him but then regretted her tone, "Sorry. I'm just - I didn't even know I would ever react this badly. Why does she have to be here? Why now?"

John went to sit next to her, "If it's anything to do with the conversation we had yesterday, I believe she's after her phone."

"Well then give her the phone and send her away."

John looked at her, knowing she knew they couldn't.

"It would be so easy just to send her away."

"I know. But we still have a job to do." John spoke calmingly.

"We can't take a day off for just one day?"

"We've had months off on this case. You know we can't."

Elizabeth sighed, putting her head in her hands, "I know, I know..."

After John and Elizabeth had left, Sherlock and Irene stared intensely at each other.

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