69 - Welcome

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A/N - The above picture is of Alex Kingston who is the face claim for Cleo Black 😊

Disclaimer: mentions of physical abuse towards the end of the chapter.


Cleo Black sat at a table amidst the inky black shadows of the painfully early morning in the café. Only a single light above her illuminated the table she was working on. Bank statements and orders were splayed across the table she was sitting at. A notepad rested under her right hand which held her pen, making notes as she scanned over all the information.

The bell above the door jingled as a girl in army green cargo pants and a black turtle neck entered.

"You know work doesn't start until eight thirty, right?" As Cleo finished writing in her notebook, she glanced at her watch, "I'm all for punctuality but you're about two hours too early."

The other woman pulled out a chair opposite with a shrill shriek and positioned it so she could sit with her chest resting on the back of the chair. She watched Cleo continue writing for a moment.

"Don’t trust her."

"Amber - "

"Reet doesn't seem very dedicated is all I'm saying, Cleo." She rose her hands in defence, "I'm afraid she could jeopardise what we've built up."

"Please, we could say the same for the new recruit."

"No. If Jim Moriarty's moulded her into the girl she came across as, the girl who just can't stop stealing, then I'm inclined to trust her more than Reet."

"Rita has been working with us for years - "

"And now Rita has bonded with Liz. She's too close. Cares too much now." Amber paused, meeting with Cleo's gaze, "We all agree."

"All?" Cleo scoffed, "Are you performing a silly mutiny now?"

"If you and 'im want this plan to work out, you need to be able to trust the gang one-hundred percent."

"I do trust the gang one-hundred percent. I trust Rita one-hundred percent."

"We. Don't. Abs saw her and that other Mr Holmes together too. They look like they're getting close - "

"All the better for us, Amber. The more fingers we have in the pies, the easier it will be to access valuable information that can benefit us on our heists and operations. And she's a doctor and surgeon. Imagine if one of you gets seriously injured when we're out - you don't want to go to hospital. Now, I can provide an alibi but there are some things that simply make it too difficult to explain - "

"Cleo - "

"No, Amber. You listen to me: do you trust me?"

"I - "

"Yes or no? That's all I need. Do you trust me?"

Amber sighed, "Yes."

"Then trust me. Trust that I know what I am doing."

Begrudgingly, Amber nodded, standing up and placing the chair back under the table before walking towards the serving counter in the café. Amber looked over her shoulder at Cleo whose back faced her. She looked at the counter again and slid her hand over to grab something as she spoke up:

"Need any help with anything then?"

"No. Go for a walk," Cleo muttered and waited to listen for Amber approaching the door, "And while you're out you can get some money to pay for the brownie you just took."

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