2 - A Meeting With Mycroft

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"I'm not going." Came the defiant voice of Sherlock who was sprawled across the little sofa in his pyjamas and gown that he rarely slept in.

"Sherlock, this is childish."

"We're busy."

"No, we are not - " John directed his answer to both Sherlock and the phone he was holding in his hand.

"Why would you admit that?"

"Yes, Mycroft, I'm trying - Sherlock?"

"If he wants to talk to me about a case, he can come here."

"Mycroft said that he needed to tell you at his place."

"'His 'place'? You make his mansion sound like a flat." He scoffed, curling up on the sofa and facing away from John.

"Sherlock - "


"Alright, I'll tell him - Mycroft says that it's a matter of national urgency."

"Tell him Sherlock says that 'it's a government problem then'."

"Alright, yes, yes, I'll tell him - Sher - "


"He's willing to pay us."

There was a moment of silence between the two men and then Sherlock sat up, crossed-legged on the sofa, facing John once again.

"How much?"

"The next six months worth of rent - I mean, that's pretty decent considering business has been slow."

The curly haired detective almost appeared to scowl at his friend but he wasn't scowling at John, more so the phone he held in his hand. Business was being unfortunately slow. Why did all the interesting criminals suddenly take a holiday? He let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine." Came his defeated reply as he dramatically lay across the sofa again.

"Mycroft appreciates it and says he'll see us at seven p.m."

"Mycroft appreciates it." Sherlock mimicked, earning a certain look from John, "What?"

"Nevermind." John shook his head with a sigh, walking away.

"You're still wondering why we can't get along?"

"I said nevermind." He called from the kitchen, just wishing the two brothers would one day be more civil with each other.


It was a little before seven when the two men arrived. The dark blue sky wasn't totally vacant as the bright moon was present. John, who wore a turtleneck sweater, and Sherlock, who wore his black blazer and trousers, along with a white shirt, stood outside the door to Mycroft's mansion. John waited for Sherlock to knock but the detective just stood there staring at the door. With a sigh, John stepped forward to knock on the door when Sherlock grabbed his arm suddenly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

John frowned as he moved his arm from Sherlock's grip, "What? Knock on the door?"

As Sherlock retracted his arm, he swayed on his feet, looking around innocently, "Shush, do you hear that?"

John paused for a moment but heard nothing, "What?"

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