82 - We All Fall Down

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A/N - So two things:

1 - I have signed up to a writing challenge called '28 Plays Later' where I have to write 28 plays in 28 days - one play a day required by a deadline so chapter updates could be even slower than they are now just to give you a heads up

2 - Meet the face claim for Amber No-Last-Name (and if she does have a last name I have forgotten oop), Cleo's right hand woman, portrayed by Rosalind Eleazar:

2 - Meet the face claim for Amber No-Last-Name (and if she does have a last name I have forgotten oop), Cleo's right hand woman, portrayed by Rosalind Eleazar:

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Late evening, nine'o'clock. The Rob'n'Cat Café was closed, most of the tables packed away but the dim lights still shone inside as the girls present gathered around Cleo. It would have been a full group meeting if she could help it, but given the heat on them, she thought that seeing a smaller group might be best. News would travel fast between them anyway.

The leader of the Forty Elephants stood in front of the serving bar, hands holding her phone as she looked for a text to read out to them. Amber and her unmoving bandaged hand stood to the side, glaring at the others if the noise got too much. But there was utter silence when Cleo began to read out the text:

"I know you've taken, Rita. Is she safe? Are you keeping her in hiding? Please, let me know. - E.P." She paused, looking at each of the girls in turn, "We need to decide what we are doing with Dr Rahat. Bear in mind that she has treated many of you over the years. Bear in mind that the Holmes brothers are onto her and know she is hiding something."

There was a little chatter amongst the group but Amber huffed.

"Well, you know what I think."

"I'm not killing her." Cleo glared at her, "We owe her too much to do that to her."

"The others agree."

"And how would you know?"

Amber merely motioned her eyes over to the rest of the group, who sat there as silently as schoolchildren but most were looking at Amber. Some looked away when Cleo looked at them and that was when Ms Black knew she had lost this battle.

"How many of you agree with Amber? Raise your hands, do it."

And all bar four of them raised their hands. Look at that, she thought, she really was losing control. Scowling at Amber and the rest of the girls she shook her head.

"No." Cleo breathed, "How ungrateful are you all? After everything she's done for us - "

"She is a liability, Cleo, and you know it." Amber said.


"You told me that even Rita said she was useless now. It's no different to...putting down an injured horse."

"Amber - "

"Our thieve's code, remember that? You save yourself, because at least then you might have a chance of saving some loot. If it was any one else, if it was me, you would have killed us in a heartbeat - and we would understand because it would be for the good of the gang."

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