49 - Alive

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A/N - Can we pls appreciate how phenomenol an actor Benedict Cumberbatch is? Your author's heart can't take this incredible talent 😫 such a skilled boi ❤


Sherlock had followed John.

When he saw the car pulled up outside, and the woman who took only John and not Elizabeth, something didn't sit right with him. And he was right to follow. Part of him expected a trap - he wouldn't put it past Moriarty. Part of him expected to see Mycroft with him - he knew his brother always liked to stick his nose in his business. Part of him didn't know what to make of it at all. His mind hadn't been up to par since the The Woman had passed in such a violent way.

They had stopped at the old Battersea Power Station.

The dark, huge hulk of an edifice stood silent against the backdrop of ash grey clouds. He watched from afar as the stranger led John into the building.

He would follow from a distance.

But when he stood, hidden in the shadows beside the room John was in, nothing could have prepared him for the shock he was going to get.

The sound of heels clacked against the floor.

So it was a woman who had brought John here.

But why?

Perhaps one of the Forty Ele -

"Hello, Doctor Watson."

Sherlock's blood ran cold at hearing the voice of a dead woman walking.

It wasn't possible.

It couldn't be possible.

He had seen her body. It was her. The corpse was Irene's. The hair was the same, the teeth were the same, the measurements were the same. Even the DNA was the same! Or were they? He began to doubt his abilities. But she had given up her phone. The phone she said she used for protection. She would have only done that if she knew was going to die.

How could he have been so wrong?

His shock continued to drown out the conversation they were having, to the point of which he only caught onto odd words. Sherlock's mind raced with all the questions the world could have and yet also ran with stunned silence.



DNA...only as good as...records...



Outlive God...




Not dead...


Sherlock's phone sighed and the echo carried into the other room.

Drawn out of his trance, he flashed a glance at the text:

~I'm not dead. Let's have dinner. - I.A.~

Realising they had heard him, he fumbled to turn off his phone and rushed out of the power station, truly shaken by the revelation.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

As he neared the flat, still processing Irene's faked death, he found that he didn't really feel like he was walking. Autopilot had taken over and he felt like he was barely there.

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