66 - You Are All I Have

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Disclaimer: distressing scenes.


The moment the cabin door shut behind her, her throat tightened and she inhaled sharply, shakily, before letting out an onslaught of sobs and tears. She dropped the drug package and wiped her hands over her face and across her aching neck. Her dress was bloodstained but she had survived.

She had done it.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, this is your Captain speaking." The ship's com echoed, "The ship will be docking in approximately two hours. Thank you."

Elizabeth crouched to pick up the package again before heading away from their room and down the corridor however as she neared the corner, she saw a hand on the floor.

Again she froze.

Where was Sherlock? In all the stress she had almost forgotten about him but the sight of this hand made her stomach turn. She edged towards the end of the corridor and peeked around the corner.

What she saw made her cry out.

"No, no, no..." She muttered as she knelt beside Sherlock's body, "Sherlock?" Elizabeth whimpered softly as she pulled him to lay him on his back.

At seeing the two stab wounds on his stomach, her eyes produced fresh tears and she shook her head. It couldn't be real, it couldn't. She looked down the corridor and saw that the red carpet had a darker trail across it. He had dragged himself.

"Help! Help please, I need help!" Elizabeth cried louder down the hallway before looking back down at him, "Sherlock? Sherlock, please."

She put her fingers against his paler than normal neck and checked for his pulse. It was there but barely and he felt so, so cold. The thief placed her hands over each stab wound.

"Please, Sherlock I can't - I can't lose you too." She sobbed and yelled again for help.

"Eva! Eva where - oh, thank God - " Rita spoke hurriedly, out of breath and then she saw absorbed the situation, "No, no, wait - what - what happened?"

"Rita, Rita, please help me, help him, please."

"Jesus..." Dr Rahat muttered as she crouched next to Elizabeth, "Let me see him. Don't take your hands off for even a second..." She frowned, "He's in hypovolemic shock - pulse is thready, breathing's shallow. We don't have much time."

"Please help him, fix him please, Rita."

"I will try but we need to get him into a room - did he say what room he was in?"

"Um, uh, two-six-two. I'm sure he said two-six-two."

"It's definitely closer than ours so that's where we're headed but we need to pack the wound because he is at high risk of dying from bleeding out right now if no major organs have been injured."

"Please, just save him."

Rita stood and hurried off back down the corridor. She had seen at linen cupboard on the way here. She grabbed two pristine pillow cases, a duvet cover and a bedsheet before rapidly running back to them. Rita laid the bed sheet down first.

"We need to get this under him - keep pressure on his wounds, I will lift him and get this under him, okay."

She nodded, doing as she was told as Rita did her job. Dr Rahat then took the pillow cases and scrunched them up.

"Okay, in a moment you are going to remove your hands and I'm going to pack these into his wound. The aim is to keep him from losing any more blood. Okay, three, two, one - " The second Elizabeth's hands were gone, the pillow cases were being held on by Rita, "Okay, you need to tie the bedsheet tightly across both of the pillowcases. This is what is going to hold them in place. Then we're going to get him on the duvet."

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