65 - Set-Up

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A/N - So THIS chapter may very well be the longest one so far 😉

Disclaimer: violence - that's it, that's the tweet...

"Okay, so I forgot to mention that my brother is sharing the room with me."

"Oh...okay." She frowned.

"Not to worry though because I can get him to leave but I need to speak with him first if that's okay?"

Elizabeth held onto his arm as she pressed a chaste kiss to his neck before whispering with a smitten grin, "Whatever it takes to get closer to you."

Gray looked down at her with a ravishing gaze, "Give me a moment."

And with that he entered room three-oh-nine, letting her wait outside.

A minute passed and the door opened again to reveal a grinning Grayson and Simon who raised his eyebrow at Elizabeth and then at his brother, shaking his head as he left.

"The things I do for you."

"Thanks, brother." Gray nodded, amused as he shamefully walked away from the room.

Elizabeth made her way in and took in the room. It was larger than hers and the Silvas room but it was kept neat and tidy. The beds were larger too and there were two en suites. She came to the conclusion that they must be in one of the more expensive cabins of the cruise ship.

"You okay, Miss Pine?"

Her head whipped back at Gray, positive she misheard him out of nervousness, "Sorry?"

"I asked if you were okay, Miss Smith?"

"I already said you can call me Eva." She breathed a little laugh as he walked closer to her.

"I know but..." His hand brushed her arm as he pulled her close and spoke in a gravelly, low voice, "By morning we'll both forget anyway."

Elizabeth shivered but smiled at him anyway as he walked her back to the bed. Focus on the mission though. She needed to sort out her knock out spray. Gray leaned down to capture her lips, the bristle again tickling her lips. She pulled away briefly, gazing up at him lustfully.

"I hate to kill the mood but do you mind if I use your bathroom quick?"

Gray smiled, "Go ahead."

She headed to the en suite, looking back at him with a grin, "I'll be back out soon."

The moment she had locked the door she realised her mistake. Her purse wasn't with her so where was it? She could have sworn she had had it a moment ago unless...unless she had left it in the bar. She let out a shaky breath. Not good. Very much not good. She cursed - she needed a weapon to knock him out with. She couldn't look for the drugs while he wasn't in dream land.

Searching around, she pulled back the shower curtain and gasped, backing away towards the sink hurriedly, eyes transfixed on who lay before her in the bath. Her legs were land and the nerves, tremors as she gazed at the now found and clearly deceased Olly who was set up in the bath, his baton placed carelessly across him. Olly's face carried cuts and bruises and his neck possessed a neat crimson necklace.

Elizabeth gripped the sink behind her, trying to hold back a sob. The Sandborns knew. They knew. Grayson knew. And that made her Goddamn terrified.

"Eva?" Gray knocked on the door, "Everything okay?"

"Ye - yes." She squeaked out, "I just - realised I lost my purse. Be out...now."

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