54 - Follow The Leader

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A/N - I hated writing this chapter. Got stuck on it so many times but I am finally happy with it!

Warning: minor use of bad language. Not that a lot of you need a warning 😂


After Mycroft's 'errand-boy' had left, Elizabeth slipped back over to the stairwell to make it seem like she was only just coming upstairs. She didn't want to let on that she had seen Sherlock and Irene together. Elizabeth wanted to see if Sherlock would be truthful with her.

"Who was that?" She asked as she walked in.

"No clue, dear, you'll have to ask Sherlock about that." The landlady shrugged as she headed downstairs.

Elizabeth looked at Sherlock, expectant of an answer, and yet also accusingly as he whipped on his coat and scarf. The detective paused as he tied his scarf around his neck, looking at her apologetically once again.

"Are we...okay?"

The audacity...

He could have sworn her eye twitched with fury for a brief moment as he held his breath, almost readying himself for her to coldly blow him off. But her expression relaxed as she looked elsewhere. She didn't have the energy to fight, not now.

The fact that Sherlock pretended so easily like nothing had happened made her heart ache. Perhaps he truly was an uncaring sociopath? Or perhaps he truly did prefer Irene over herself? Either way, neither answer was good for Elizabeth.

If Sherlock didn't like her anymore, she at least wanted some honesty.

But clearly honesty wasn't a strong part of their relationship.

That's if they still had a relationship.

She shut her eyes momentarily, calming herself, "Mhm...just waiting for you to tell me who that was?" She forced a smile.

Sherlock's eyes narrowed, seemingly analysing her response.

Something was wrong.

But what?

It couldn't be about earlier. No. There was a newer anger in her presence. Unless the sight of him had just irked her again. That would be a viable explanation. He couldn't think of any other reason why so he just put it down to that.

"He delivered a plane ticket to me, from my brother. Flight double-oh-seven. I'm about to solve Irene's mystery."

Good, Elizabeth thought. The sooner the better. Then she could leave forever, never to return. Although, even now she didn't know if Irene leaving would fix things. Not after what she had just witnessed. Not if Sherlock kept lying and omitting information that she considered important.

"When will you be back?"

This question unnerved Sherlock, "Give me an hour..."

Elizabeth nodded, "Okay..."

Sherlock nodded too, edging to the door, unsure of his departing words, "We'll talk...later?"


"Okay...until then." He nodded one final time before racing down the stairs as though he couldn't get out of there quicker.

Elizabeth stood there silently in 221B for a moment, eyes sadly gazing at the floor. Why did Irene have to make this such a mess?


Elizabeth looked over her shoulder towards Sherlock's bedroom. The door was still closed. She hadn't spoken with Irene one-on-one since she had arrived earlier in the day. Perhaps now was the perfect opportunity.

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