20 - I'm In My Nighty!

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A/N - Yay an update! Apologies for any typos! Also Doctor Who reference anyone?  😄


"How was the couch?" Sherlock asked walking into the room, wrapped merely in a sheet and holding his laptop, awaiting his connection to work.

The thief was sat on the couch, dressed in a dark blue nighty and black shorts, reading an article from the newspaper that Mrs Hudson had brought up for them. The arrangement they now had was alternating between the couch and the bed. Sharing was caring. This had gone on for a week so far.

"Yeah, it was good. Bed is nicer but it's just fair if we altern - woah, woah." Elizabeth looked up, her brow forming a somewhat mortified, somewhat intrigued line as she saw what Sherlock was dressed in, "Are you - wearing any clothes?"

"No." He answered, not phased by the idea.

Her brow rose at his answer and she sighed silently. Well, okay then, she thought, as long as he washes and changes the sheets for tonight, she wouldn't be phased either. But she was very phased. There was a knock at the door and she blinked. She folded the paper, swinging her legs off of the couch as she did and headed over to the apartment door which she opened to find Phil waiting.

"He - hello, Miss Parrish."

"Hi, Phil, come on in. Oh and call me Elizabeth." She opened the door wider with a friendly smile, "Sherlock is - oh." When she turned around he was gone but the computer was still there and had just connected to John's feed, "Hi John."

John's face on the screen frowned at the lack of a detective, "Elizabeth, where's Sherlock?"

"He was here," She peered around the kitchen doorway to see the ghostly figure of Sherlock Holmes headed towards her, yawning, with an empty mug, "Ah, he's coming." She answered back to the laptop and looked back as Sherlock walked past, "John's on."

"I heard. Tea?"

"If you're offering." She was pleasantly surprised.

"No. You are." He said as he handed her the mug, "I have a case."

"Oh." But the pleasant surprise did not last long. She frowned, "Alright then."

"You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?" John stated as Sherlock sat down and he saw him wrapped up in a bedsheet.

"It's okay. I'm fine. Now show me to the stream." He sat down just as the bell at the door rang again but he ignored it.

"I didn't mean for you." John sighed.

She shook her head at their conversation and looked to Phil, "Would you like some tea too?"

"Um, please." He nodded.

"Take a seat so long." She smiled to their client.

"Oh, no, let me help." Phil said quickly and hurried after her into the kitchen.

"Look this is a six." The detective said to the doctor, "There's no point in my leaving the flat for anything less than a seven. We agreed. Now, go back. Show me the grass."

Elizabeth frowned as she heard this when putting a teabag in each cup. Had they agreed that? If they had then it must have been from before they met. Or from when the two men were on a case alone?

John sounded confused as well though, "When did we agree that?"

"We agreed it yesterday." Sherlock paused, "Stop!"

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