72 - Surprise

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A/N - Imma just be honest, y'all gonna hate me after this one 😅✌


Dressed in their best, Sherlock and Elizabeth arrived at Odette's at one-minute-to-six. The detective opened her door and she thanked him, smiling sweetly. Just as their taxi left, another black car pulled up.

"Guess who." Mumbled Sherlock.

And out of the backseat of the car stepped out Mycroft. He, too, politely walked around to open his guest's door. Out stepped Rita, wearing a quaint, long-sleeved, knee length, cream-coloured dress. She smiled widely at Elizabeth. Mycroft gave a tight-lipped smile to his brother.

"Happy birthday, oh tattle-tale of mine."

"Mycroft." Sherlock greeted with a sly smile, "Neither of us were getting out of this."

"Yes, but it was no reason to divulge in little known...information."

"Is it official then?" Elizabeth queried with Rita.

"Not verbally." Dr Rahat shook her head, "But I think the two of us are quite happy to acknowledge a something rather than a nothing. How did your job interview go?"

"She said I could be on the rota by next week."

But at this Rita seemed to frown, "Wonderful."

"I suppose we should head in then before they send out a search party?" Mycroft suggested.

The four travelled into the restaurant, Mycroft explaining the reservation they were there for. Low-lighting created a comfy atmosphere while the candles on all the tables added a romantic element to the event. Dark oak tables and black sofa booths added to the fine dining aesthetic. They were swiftly led over to the booth that Siger and Violet were already seated at. The Holmes parents got up quickly to greet their sons and their respective partners.

"And I believe we haven't met, I'm Violet, dear, and this is Siger."

"Dr Rita Rahat. Lovely to meet you both."

"Oh, Mikey, she's lovely." Violet commented.

"I believe the name you gave me is Mycroft. If you could struggle all the way to the end, mother, it would be greatly appreciated."

"Myc, don't be rude - she's your mother!" Rita scolded him.

Begrudgingly, Mycroft mumbled a quiet, "Apologies."

"Oh, I like you even more now." Mrs Holmes chuckled at how domesticated her son appeared to be since getting a girlfriend, "Please, take a seat!"

And they did as they had been asked, the boys all sat on one side while the girls sat on the other, each facing their partners. Before discussing anything further they all decided what they were going to eat. Once the orders had been placed and the menus removed by their server the group finally conversed.

"So, we all know we are gathered here to celebrate Sherlock's birthday. Does anyone have anything they would like to say?"

"Yes." Mycroft answered, "Why are we here? We never do this. We are all capable of celebrating our birthdays at home - alone."

"Because you have all celebrated your birthdays alone for three years we are making the effort to once again spend time with each other." Violet scolded him.

"I personally think family meals like this are lovely." Rita said with a smile, "Mycroft's just boring."

The government official frowned at his partner, his gaze questioning whose side Dr Rahat was really on. Sensing this unasked questions, she thought her honesty might suffice.

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