5 - A Change Of Sides

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A/N: Minor warning - literally one bit of mild language used towards the end of the chapter.
As always, my lovelies, enjoy ^-^ ❤


The next morning, John had organised to do the shopping (which was rarely ever done but considering they had an extra person they desperately needed to stock up on some things) whilst Sherlock accompanied Elizabeth to her apartment building to collect some clothes. Embarrassingly, she had to walk around in her catsuit and boots which always gained odd looks from people. It was even worse considering it was a relatively posh building to be wearing that kind of attire in.

"If I'm on house arrest, how come I'm allowed out?" She inquired as they walked along the pavement.

"Because I'm still with you."

She gave a single nod of understanding as they continued.

Before even walking in, she spotted Mrs Kaye at the desk and abruptly stopped, moving away from the view of the glass door. Sherlock turned to her with a questioning look.

"I can't walk in there dressed like this."

"You know the receptionist well, don't you?"

Elizabeth nodded.

Sherlock shrugged, "This is really your own fault. Had you not chosen to go down the route..."

She just gave the detective an utterly 'done' look. It was only 10am and she had already had this lecture the night before and several other times this morning. What Sherlock said rang true but he wouldn't understand. People like him never understood why people like her turned to stealing.

"Alright. Fine. Let's go." She stopped him.

Elizabeth headed through the glass door. The sound of the opening entrance drew Mrs Kaye's attention away from her computer and she half-smiled when she saw Elizabeth but at the same time frowned. She smiled back to the receptionist as Sherlock appeared behind her.

"Good morning, Mrs Kaye."

"Elizabeth, love, I didn't even realise you left last night."

"Oh, I had to hurry out."

Mrs Kaye wasn't even supposed to know she had been gone. She was supposed to sneak back in, unknowingly to anyone else, had she not been caught by the Holmes Brothers and their friend.

"Walk of shame then?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened at the words that left the receptionist's mouth and a pinkish hue rose in her cheeks. Never, ever would she have expected her to say that. Even Sherlock shuffled a bit under the curious gaze of Mrs Kaye.

"Uh - n - no - "

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. You wouldn't believe how many others return at odd times with - different clothing." Shrugging, Mrs Kaye smiled.

"No - "

"Don't bother." Sherlock muttered, grabbing her arm to pull her to the elevator.

"Have fun, love!" Mrs Kaye called after them.

The detective and the thief stood in the elevator silently, as far away from each other as possible. There was an uncomfortable atmosphere between them given the comments of the receptionist.

"You're not my type," Elizabeth blurted out, breaking the soundless ambience, "Just to highlight."

"You're not mine either." Came Sherlock's reply.

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