62 - Sherlock?

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Rita tapped the cabin table top with her fingernails, the clack-clack-clack echoed in their room. Elizabeth was stood biting her nails as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black nightdress with a lace gown over the top. The aim was to be alluring and she guessed she succeeded - that is, if she was trying to mimic Irene, seeing as her lips were painted dark red too.

"Silva's heading to your room now, over." Was the radio message the two women finally received at 10:22pm.

"Finally." Rita muttered, standing up to stretch.

Elizabeth grabbed the radio, responding quickly, "Did you find out which room the Silvas are in, over?"

"Thought you would beat me to it," Olly chuckled, "They're in room five-oh-four, over."

"Thanks, over." Elizabeth switched off the radio and chucked it over to Rita.

Dr Rahat caught the radio and hurried over to place it in her bedside table drawer. As this happened, Elizabeth organised the camera on the table that she had been given as part of her 'fashion designer persona' along with some items of clothing. Barely any of it would be used though as long as their plan went well.

"Got the perfume?"

"Oh, yes." Elizabeth nodded, "You're sure he won't remember anything once I use it?"

"One hundred percent certain. Used it a couple of times before." Rita smirked before heading into the bathroom, "If I hear anything that sounds like it's going sideways you can also trust I won't ditch you but I believe you got this." She gave her a thumbs up before shutting the door.

Just then, there was a knock at their cabin door. Elizabeth checked herself once more in the mirror, ensuring she looked suitably attractive so she was sure she would coax Dan in. Skipping over to the door, she paused, opening it to see Silva stood there with a charming smile.


"You came." Elizabeth looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"I did."

The scent of alcohol infiltrated her senses but she did her best not to react. She peered behind him with a faux concerned frown, "Won't your wife be wondering where you are?"

He shrugged, "She's in the bar."

"You didn't want to join her?"

"I couldn't very well pass up an opportunity to model for an upcoming designer now, could I? Besides, my wife is the one who gets to have the most fun - thought I deserved a little too."

Internally cringing at his words, she tilted her head, looking him up and down, consuming his build with her gaze and attempting to be as obsessed with the male form as she made Eva Smith out to be. But as she looked at him, she felt her heart long for Sherlock.

Elizabeth gently took hold of Daniel's tie and tugged on it with a seductive smile, whispering, "Come on in then."

With a hungry look in his eyes, Silva wantonly and shamelessly followed her in, shutting the door behind them.

Elizabeth's plan was bring him over to the round cabin table where the perfume bottle stood so it would be easy to reach. However, Daniel had other plans that would lead to this exchange taking longer than she would have liked. He took hold of her arm that held his tie and when Elizabeth turned to question it, his lips crashed into hers and his other hand held onto her waist.

This action, his hands, his lips all felt alien to her.

His face had stuble which made her lips burn unlike the clean-shaven and soft face of Sherlock Holmes, his hands gripped her tighter, rougher, unlike the gentleness of the detective, his shoulders were broader and chest more defined in comparison to the thinner and, in her mind, more pleasant stature of her lover.

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