58 - The Sands

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A/N - Helluuuu again!

Apologies for the delayed update, work has been horribly draining but I am enjoying it!

Above you can see a picture of Liam Neeson (specifically from Batman Begins) who I believe is a good faceclaim for Alistair Sandborn :)

This chapter has already been delayed enough so please enjoy!


The three were stood around the kitchen table as Elizabeth kitted herself out with the equipment Mycroft had sent for her to use.

Sherlock said nothing. He had learned over the duration of yesterday and through the rest of the day that she wouldn't respond anyway. At this point he just wanted to compliment her. The detective couldn't deny that she looked good - really good - in her catsuit.

"Okay so," She grabbed the black backpack that had been provided for her, "Lockpicks, belt. Taser, belt..." Elizabeth listed off the items she had been sent and whether they would be placed on either her belt or in her backpack, "Earpiece," Popping the small device into her ear, she nodded, "On. So..."

She looked between the two men, but paid more attention to John. Sherlock was stood, seemingly deep in thought, arms crossed but one hand propped up under his chin. John offered Elizabeth a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure you'll be alright on your own."

"I'll definitely be better," She sent a subtle glare towards Sherlock, "On my own."

As she said this, her phone buzzed:

<Awaiting you outside, Miss Parrish. - M.H.>

"Okay, wish me luck. Hope that I haven't lost all sense of my 'criminal' being otherwise this mission will become significantly harder." She forced a smile as she grabbed her backpack and headed towards the stairs, "See you later!"

"Bye! Good luck." John called after her and then looked to Sherlock.

The detective had watched her leave with a longing glance. Even his mouth was slightly agape as though he were ready to wish her well too but his eyes said differently. His eyes said they were plotting. Why wish her well when he could go with her?

The doctor recognised that look in his friend's eyes, "Sherlock, you know you can't follow her."

He just looked at John defeatedly, "Yes, John, I know."

"She'll be fine."

"Of course. Of course she will..."

But what wasn't fine were the countless, imagined scenarios in which Sherlock was unable to help her, simply because he wasn't there.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Are you content with your gear?"

"Yes. I'm...pleasantly surprised."

"Well, we weren't going to send you in with nothing." Mycroft rolled his eyes as she put her seat belt on. He took out a laptop from his briefcase and started it up, "I'll be directing you. Your com will be activated when we arrive. You know what you're doing?"

"Retrieving a USB drive with important scientific research and placing covert cameras and listening devices around the club too."

"Exactly. Good to know you read the file again."

Elizabeth offered Mycroft a tight smile. They sat in silence for a few moments.

"So...the situation with my brother and yourself...?"

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