20K Author Q&A (Part 1)

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Sorry for the delay in chapters and the much anticipated Q&A! 

I just wanted to get through this last week of work first before I got stuck into things again.

I can now say that I am freeeeeee until the 4th of January 2021 (or maybe later depending on if the UK Government can make up its mind about what they want schools to do 😒).

So, to thank all you wonderful readers for your funny comments, kind compliments, much-appreciated votes and striking dedication to this fanfic, I asked if any of you had any questions for either myself or for any of the characters so far. 

This is PART 1 - the Author Q&A (because I was es stupid and lost the Character Q&A answers - R.I.P 😭).

I just finished off tightening up the questions that some of you lovely people asked me! I have added a little extra to some of my answers so it doesn't feel like you're just re-reading what I sent back to you all in the PMs ^-^

Questions from unknown1945 -

Q) Will Mary be in this story?

A) I can tell you all now that Ms Abbington's lovely Maz won't be in this book...

Q) Will John make more of an appearance in this story or not?

A) I have been neglecting him, haven't I? Sowwy Jawn! He will be returning to the story soon - in a chapter or two according to my plans :)

If you do find that I don't make much use of our honorary Hedgehog 🦔 or our wonderful Hudderz, it's simply because there are waaay too many characters per scene otherwise and I personally find it difficult to find that balance when I have more than 3/4 active characters in a scene. And, at the end of the day, the story is focused on Elizabeth and Sherlock after all!

I hope you all understand :)

Questions from frets20 -

Q) What's the character that is closest to your heart?

A) The character closest to my heart...I'm possibly biased but Elizabeth because she is like my baby lol! I love her confidence, her sassiness but I also love that she isn't afraid to show her vulnerabilities and isn't afraid to show her emotions. She's also a very dear character to me because I wrote her as the girl with some of the traits I struggle with - I'm not that confident in real life and I really struggle to let down my walls so the fact that she does that also gives me a little hope for me in the future too - if I can write a confident, open character, then surely I can be her one day too :) 

Q) What does Elizabeth look like (including height, tattoos, piercings and more details)?

A) I personally find that I like leaving character descriptions vague bar skin/hair/eye colour as it gives all my readers the opportunity to let their imaginations create their own versions of Elizabeth - your version of Elizabeth could be totally different to the next person's and that absolutely fascinates me (it's the psychologist in me, sorry XD).

If I had to describe her more in my own vision though then:

● Shoulder-length brown hair (naturally straight) - often wears it down, but sometimes wears it up in a pony-tail unless otherwise described.

● Deep blue eyes.

● Warm ivory skin tone.

● About 5ft6"/1.69 meters tall (which I found out is basically John's height too!).

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