89 - Terror At Dewer's Hollow

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A/N - *sweats nervously* if I don't finish this book before 100 chapters imma cry I REFUSE TO GO OVER so fingers crossed I can be detailed and concise - send me writer hopes and prayers my lovelies ❤🙏


It was around half six when they got to the Dartmoor national park. Dusty lavender clouds rolled across the light, fading peach-plum sky. All four of them carried torches with them as they ventured over the uneven grassy and rocky ground, nervously trekking towards Dewer's Hollow.

While early, at this point in the year, the dark chased the light away rather rapidly.

Sherlock and Henry were the closest walking pair, not really straying far from each other, whereas John and Elizabeth strayed behind slightly. Rustling in the bushes behind them caused John and Elizabeth to whip around, breathing a little quicker as they shone their torches into the bushes.

"Probably just...a rabbit." Elizabeth rationalised.

John nodded in agreement.

The thief looked over at Sherlock and Henry who continued heading away and decided to follow after them. John, on the other hand, spotted a light far across a field that stopped before the area of woodland.

"Elizabeth!" He hissed quietly, too afraid to shout, "Sher - "

He gave up seeing that they were too far from him now. And he still wasn't feeling any braver to yell unless something truly terrible happened. He looked back at the light, noticing it was flashing and fished for his notebook to note down what he thought was more code.

"U, M, Q, R, A." He frowned at the letters, "U, M, Q, R, A. Umqra?"

The doctor shook his head and flinched slightly at the sound of a crow cawing - maybe the detective could make sense of it? He looked down the unclear path again.

"Sherlock?" Came his hushed voice as he hurried down the path.

Elizabeth had followed after the other two men but again strayed behind when she heard more rustling. She shone her torch off the path at the vegetation around her, only to spot another overgrown path. She looked to her right, after the client and detective and saw they were gone already and then to her left only to see John still hadn't caught up. Again, she looked back down the dark path, plants reaching out as though they were hands waiting to grab her.

"Just...don't die." She sighed, deciding to wander off on her own.

If it was a rabbit or another woodland creature, so be it, but she highly doubted it would be this supposed monster of the moors. Maybe an escaped zoo animal...that was a little more frightening to think about. She gently pushed the overgrowth out of the way as she pressed on down the path, eventually coming out of it to find herself amidst trees.

"Fat lot of nothing then." She said to herself, smirking, and mocked herself "And you, Miss Parrish, were scared. Scared of what? Some trees? An owl and a crow? Honestly..."

Just as she was about to turn back, she heard another rustle and she spun on the spot, shining her torch into every area of pitch black. She took a breath.

"There is...nothing here." She gulped.

Then she heard a growl from behind her.

*  *  *  *  *  *

When Sherlock and Henry had continued down the path, full speed ahead towards their destination, they had ended up chatting a small bit. Or at least because Sherlock was directing the conversation towards answers he wanted.

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