60 - Cruise Day

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A/N - I hope this doesn't have any more typos, I checked it over a dozen times 😂

Also the picture is of Indira Varma who is the Face Claim for Dr Rita Rahat (you may recognise her from Torchwood as Suzie) 😊

Enjoy! ❤

Elizabeth was packing the last of her clothes for the three day cruise.

Within three hours, Elizabeth Parrish would be repressed and soon to appear would be Eva Smith, a rising fashion designer, joining the cruise in the hopes that she'll either meet some interesting people or be inspired to start a new cruise-style fashion-line. She enjoyed the covers she had been given; it was always exciting to put on an act.

As she zipped up her case, she paused a moment, reflecting on the past week.

Sherlock had finally distanced himself from her. Annoyingly, she didn't know what to make of that. The thief almost cruelly missed being able to ignore him. But there had been no actions to ignore. When she entered a room, he left it. Why? Of course, she knew that was what she had wanted, the distance, but...she still wanted him.

Shaking her head, she sharply exhaled. Why was she even thinking about that now?

There was a knock at the bedroom door.


It cracked open to reveal Sherlock with a cup of tea in hand, "I...made you tea."

"Oh. Thank you."

The detective nodded, placing it down on the bedside table. An interaction. The first in a week. One that didn’t have any mistakes or casualties at that. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"Have you got everything?"

"I - I think so, thanks for asking."

He gave a single bob of his head.

There was silence.

"Well, I'll just go back...then..."


The detective edged out of the room but paused just before the door closed behind him. He turned and stepped back in. She watched this little action with a subtle smile teasing the edge of her lips.



"I am...sorry - "

"I know, Sherlock. I know."

The reality was though, he was sorry for something completely different to what she was thinking. But by not letting him finish, he thought this would be a good way to get away with his plans. She might hate him, but at least he knew she would be safe.

Again, he offered a small smile before exiting the room.

Elizabeth sighed. She missed being close to him but again, perhaps this was good. Perhaps enduring the heartache would enable her to do a lot of things - like meet with the Forty Elephants contact on the cruise without the watchful eye of the great detective stuck on her.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Right, Mycroft's outside so I shall see you all in three days." Elizabeth smiled at the three that were stood in front of her as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Ooh, love, do be careful now!" Mrs Hudson tutted as she gave Elizabeth a hug, "We want you back in one piece."

"Trust me, I want to come back in one piece." She chuckled although the risk was real.

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