4 - A Cab Ride Home

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A/N: Here is la update - I hope you all enjoy :)


It was verging on 9pm.

Sherlock, Elizabeth and John sat silently in the back of the taxi. John tapped his fingers on the door, Sherlock stared out of the window and Elizabeth sat in the middle, fiddling with a ring on her index finger. Not even the taxi driver made an attempt to speak but then again, not all drivers were up for a conversation. Thank God, Sherlock thought, prefering the quiet. John and Elizabeth, however, wouldn't have minded a little conversation. She had spoken first.

"I could have sat by the door. I know you two are close."

Sherlock looked to her with a questionable look as his eyes narrowed. She met his gaze with an innocent smile.

John gave a sigh, rubbing his hands over his eyes. For the love of God, he thought, when would people stop assuming he was gay? There was nothing wrong with it but he was not gay. At this point he just gave up correcting people though. They wouldn't stop until he had a wife.

"I think it's best you sat in the middle." Sherlock gave the logical answer.


"Because you probably would have tried to jump out."

Elizabeth exhaled defeatedly. There was no getting past him, was there?

"I'd also still like an apology." John felt the need to speak up.


"For using a taser on me."

"Well, I didn't kill you." She shrugged coolly.

Sherlock interjected, "Have you killed before?"


"How do we know you're not lying?" John asked, concerned with everyone's well-being at 221B.

Elizabeth didn't answer and instead went back to fiddling with her simple, sentimental, silver ring. It would be highly unlikely that they would believe everything she said. They would have to work it out themselves, whether she was lying or telling the truth. Elizabeth refused to start an argument for no reason, especially if there was the chance of being locked in a cell for life. She shuffled under their watchful gazes but still didn't speak. Sherlock analysed her but nothing really alerted him of anything alarming.

"She's not lying." He answered for her, looking back out of the window, uninterested.

John was still unsure about the entire situation but he believed Sherlock. He was right with most things. There was still a part of him that was nervous though. There were a multitude of things that could go wrong. She hadn't killed yet but she still could.

The taxi pulled up just outside Mrs. Hudson's apartment building on Baker Street.

Sherlock opened his door to get out but turned back, "Let Elizabeth pay, I'm sure she has enough money."

"It doesn't grow on trees." Came her moody response as she handed over some money to the taxi driver, "Some of us need to work for it."

John was the only one to thank the driver as Elizabeth got out on Sherlock's side, onto the pavement. For a moment she considered running as the taxi sped off, leaving the three of them stood in front of the door. But where would she go?

"It's forecast to rain tonight, so I wouldn't recommend running unless you prefer damp clothing." Sherlock spoke up as if he had read her mind.

She didn't answer and instead scowled at him childishly as John unlocked the door. The army doctor walked in and Elizabeth made a motion with her hand for Sherlock to enter first.

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