87 - Taken To Devon

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A/N - look at our beautiful detective duo ❤

Also holding out hope for Series 5 now because both Cumberbatch and Freeman have recently said in interviews that they are open to the idea, even if it comes back as a special movie insteaddd

Now to wait for Moffat and Gatiss to be like 'okayyy' 😂😭


Elizabeth made her way into the café just as the last customer for the day was leaving. The current waitress at the time sent her through to the back as she switched the little hanging sign on the door to read 'closed'. Four other women were already waiting in the back with Cleo.

"Right, so then ladies, let's get down to business." Cleo rubbed her hands together as she pulled out a sheet of paper with the layout of the Bank of England on it, "As you know we have a very experienced and successful veteran with us tomorrow night. So, Elizabeth, care to run over the plans?"

The thief felt put on the spot by her boss, "Uh, you sure? I don't want to steal your thunder - "

Cleo laughed, "Steal it, steal away - It's what we do."

Elizabeth nodded and swiftly got on with explaining everything to the girls again. Questions were answered by both herself and Cleo and an hour later they were all confidently content with their heist plans. The thief couldn't deny her own excitement at being able to steal again but she had to remember that this was all to take them down.

When finished, all the girls departed their own way, most of them leaving through the back but Elizabeth and Cleo decided to leave through the front.

"I can tell you'll make me proud on this job." Cleo praised her, "Even after having worked alone for so long."

"Well, you know, I did collab with other thieves in my time. I know how to work in a team."

"And are clearly on your way to leading a team too."

"I don't know about that."

"You did fine taking over from me."

"I don't know..."

As they walked out onto the pavement after having locked up the shop, a land rover pulled up in front of them. The window rolled down to reveal Sherlock and next to him sat John.

"Sherlock?" Elizabeth frowned.

"Hello." He smiled, getting out of the car, only to turn to the frizzy-haired woman, "You must be Cleo, Elizabeth's boss?"

"I am." Cleo nodded, sharing a look with the thief, "Would I be speaking to the famous Sherlock Holmes by any chance?"

"Yes. And I have a request, well, a statement actually - Elizabeth will be gone for the next two days."

"I will?"

"She will?"

"Yes. I understand you may find it difficult to find others to take over her shifts across the next few days so I went ahead and took the liberty to phone an acquaintance." Sherlock's smile never left his face as he opened the back door of the car to reveal another person, "This is Jane. Very good part-time waitress. CV all in check. She understands you'll only require her for the next two days but she is the perfect replacement."

Jane waved awkwardly at the other two women, "Hiya."

"I - Sherlock - " Elizabeth started.

"No - it - it's fine." Cleo nodded, seemingly rather relaxed but her mind was racing, "I'm sure I can trust your partner's word."

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