A Normal Day

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As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, a small groan escaped your lips when the sunlight hit your face. The sound of your alarm ringing didn't make your morning better. You turned off your phone after dismissing your alarm to go back to sleep until you realized that you were a college student and had classes in the morning.

You quickly sat up from your bed and pulled the covers off, and jumped off the bed, nearly tripping over your cat sleeping on the ground. "sHiT!" You quickly swung the door open to your closet and grabbed whatever outfit you could to get dressed as fast as you could. Once you finished your morning routine, you said your quick goodbye to your roommate in the kitchen before racing out the door, so you could run to your school.

"What am I going to do with that girl?"

Your roommate asked herself, shaking her head as she heard the door slam after you. As you ran, you kept a tight grip on your bag to make sure none of your things fell out while you ran. As busy as the streets were, you looked for a faster way to get to your college. You raced towards the train and managed to get on as soon as the doors opened. As you panted heavily from running a lot, you took your seat and rested the bag on your lap.

As you rest your head back on the seat, you stared at the ceiling of the train as you tried your best not to fall asleep on the way to school. There was no conversation from the other people on the ride to where they had to go. It was known in Japan not to talk or have conversations on the train. As dull as it was, you wanted to respect the other people on the train, so you kept your mouth shut. You decided to take out your textbook, opening the book where you last left off.

Slowly, you took out the bookmark to read about one of the warlords that ruled during the Sengoku Era. For as long as you could remember, you were always fascinated by this specific era. As violent as it was, there was a lot that these warlords did for your country, and the period alone interested you. From the clothing to the history, you loved everything about it.

I want to go to that era. I'm sure it will be fun to see history for myself.

You thought to yourself with a smile before closing your eyes to get a minute nap before your stop. Of course, you wouldn't know what to do if you were in that era. Seeing wars for yourself would be horrible because you lived a sheltered life, but it wouldn't be as severe to study how life was like back then and how the people lived during these wars. As much as your curiosity got the best of you, little did you know was that your wish would be granted soon.

You never believed in fate. When you wished for it, it never came for you, so that's why you slowly gave up on believing in destiny. You accepted the fact it had other plans for you, so you didn't go chasing after it anymore. "I can see why my classmates think I'm crazy." You sighed, running your fingers through your [h/c] hair to get some of the tangles out to look presentable for people you didn't know that well. Once you arrived at your stop, you waited for the train to stop before getting up from your seat, exiting as soon as the doors opened. 

This is going to be a long day.


Before the bell rang, you managed to launch yourself through the door like a penguin, your bag supporting you, not caring if your classmates were staring at you. "Let me help you up. You looked like a penguin." You craned your neck upwards to see your friend giving their hand for you to take.

Instead of making a fool out of yourself more, you nodded and took their help, helping yourself up and dusted off your hoodie. "That was the point. Thanks, [f/n]." You smiled before ruffling their hair, much to their complaint, before walking over to your desk and sat down. "You look like a zombie. Don't tell me you stayed up late watching anime, [name]."

[f/n] sighed, shaking their head at you before saying anything in your defense. You motioned your hand to let them keep lecturing you until they finished so you could explain yourself. "In my defense, I stayed up late studying, mom." You teased, sticking your tongue out at them playfully, much to their annoyance.

"And you said you wanted to be a history teacher. You might as well be an animator."

"I said if. I doubt I would get paid a lot for dealing with brats that don't listen."

Before [f/n] could respond, they shut their mouth as soon as the professor entered the classroom and closed the door. "Alright, you crusty kids. We're watching a documentary today." Your professor ignored the many tired and annoyed groans from the other students, but your eyes sparkled at the mention of a documentary. At least it was still a movie, right?

It was better than hearing your professor talk for hours until lunchtime, so it was a win-win situation for you. "Do you want to get ramen after school?" [f/n] whispered, nudging their elbow gently to your side. "Sure," You whispered back before taking out your wallet to see if you had money left, and a breath of relief left your lips once you saw you had enough for your meal, "I have money to pay for us both."

As dull as your life was, you didn't mind it at all. Sure, you wished that something interesting happened for once, you slowly realized that this was reality and not some fanfic that could distract you and live a happy life. You slowly laid your head down on your forearms as you watched the documentary out of boredom. While [f/n] was playing on their phone, you decided to take a look at your phone as well, lowering the brightness on the screen so you wouldn't burn your eyes. You didn't know what else to do but just stare at your screen or scroll through your social media to find any interesting news or something.. but there was one thought that went through your mind:

My life is definitely boring, and there's no doubt about it.


A/N: Hey, everyone! I apologize for the boring chapter, but this is the first chapter of the story after all. I honestly have no clue how college works in Japan since I'm not in college myself just yet, but I tried to put in what I heard from other people of their college experiences. aNyWaY! That's enough rambling for me, but I do hope you guys at least enjoyed the first chapter of the story!

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now