Valentine's Day Special!

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2022 Edit- This chapter doesn't count within the story. This part was what I wrote for Valentine's Day when this chapter came out, so this is not a part of the story at all!


You didn't realize today was Valentine's Day until you asked someone what date it was the day before. When you heard the date, you didn't hesitate running off towards the kitchen to make unique chocolate for Yoriichi and the other demon slayers, including Michikatsu, to show your appreciation for them.

In the modern era, you would make chocolate for your friends and yourself since you didn't celebrate Valentine's Day with a significant other, but now you had an excuse to give it to someone special to your heart. The whole night, you spent your time in the kitchen to figure out what to make for everyone since you didn't have the resources to make chocolate yourself.

Luckily, Michikatsu provided help and told you what his brother liked, so you decided to let Michikatsu stay in the kitchen with you. It was better than staying in the kitchen by yourself and have the company to keep you busy while you made chocolate.

Although there was the usual bickering between the two of you, you eventually agreed with one another and made the best chocolate you made in your twenty-three years on this earth. The day came when it was time to give everyone your homemade chocolate. As you handed everyone their bags of chocolate, each of them took out a small piece and bit into it. 

"This is delicious, Princess [name]!" 

"What is this called? It's delicious!" 

"You are the best person to bake and make food for us!" 

Their words made you release a breath of relief, reassuring you that your chocolate tasted great for them. "In my era, I call them chocolate. Mostly, girls are the ones to give chocolate to men since it's tradition. The bags I gave you are called giri choco. I gave them to you because you are nice to me." You explained to the demon slayers, who were sobbing tears of happiness because you made them chocolate to express your gratitude.

When you caught Yoriichi's silhouette from the corner of your eye, your heart skipped a beat as you held his bag tighter in your hand near to your heart, your cheeks crimsoning a dim red. You politely excused yourself from the other men to walk towards Yoriichi before reaching out your hand to tap his shoulder, holding his bag behind your back. As much as you tried your best not to stutter in front of him or mess up, it was hard to do so when he was irresistible.

Yoriichi was always patient and kind to you ever since you came into this era months ago. When you began to develop feelings for him, you didn't understand why you felt that you had butterflies in your stomach every time he talks to you. When you managed to get his attention by tapping his shoulder, you stood there in your tracks as you smiled brightly at the other when he turned around to face you.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Yoriichi! Are you perhaps busy right now?"

You asked, tilting your head to the side as you hoped that he wouldn't be busy with any missions or training. "Not that I know of right now. Is there something you want to give to me?" When he attempted to look around you to see what was behind your back, you quickly turned to your side so he wouldn't see your bag of chocolate.

The difference between giri choco and honmei choco was that you planned on giving your honmei choco to Yoriichi. You gained romantic feelings for Yoriichi, although you knew that he wouldn't feel the same way for you anyway. Before you could open your mouth to say what you had to say, Yoriichi's crow landed on his arm, which meant he had a mission.

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