A Lovely Date

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It had been a while since the two of you went on a date, ever since that time at the festival. When you brought the idea to Yoriichi, he was confused about what dates were at first until you explained to him since you remembered you were not in your current era anymore. When he agreed, you were more than excited because you could finally go out with him and do what you wanted to see a smile on his face again.

Of course, this was the perfect distraction to make Yoriichi smile and have fun in his life. As you waited for Yoriichi outside your home, you stared at the sky as the clouds moved slowly in the azure sky without having to rush anywhere. When you reached out your hand to the sky, you continued to think about your life before you came to this era and met Yoriichi.

You often wondered what happened to you after the accident. Were you dead? No, it wouldn't be possible if you were still breathing right now. "Something must've happened to me. Either there's a high chance I could be in the hospital- or maybe my soul left my body?-"

Before you could begin to panic about the possibilities of what happened to you after the accident, you felt a hand on your head. You didn't even need to turn around but did so anyway and smiled at Yoriichi. "Are you ready to go?" Yoriichi questioned, tilting his head to the side as he waited patiently for an answer.

"Yes, let's go."

You took his hand and intertwined your fingers together as the two of you walked hand in hand. As you walked through marketplaces and sat under the cherry blossom trees with a basket of food since you planned a picnic, your date went well due to how much he smiled. As the two of you ate Onigiri under the cherry blossom tree, you happily ate.

It has been a while since you last went on a date with Yoriichi and you were more than happy to spend this time with him without worrying about killing demons. When Yoriichi took a quick look at you, he softly smiled because of how happy you looked as you ate without any care in the world. When you caught him staring at you, you raised an eyebrow and looked over to Yoriichi, tilting your head to the side innocently.

"Hm? What is it?"

You asked without receiving an answer from him. When he reached out his hand and wiped a grain of rice from your cheek, you quickly grew embarrassed since you ate like you didn't care who was watching you. "S-Sorry." You whispered before hiding your face with your hands as Yoriichi chuckled at how quickly you've grown from carefree and fluster up in a matter of seconds.

"Why are you apologizing? You are adorable, [name]."

He uncovered your face gently as his hands gently took yours into his and leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek. "You say that every time I get embarrassed. You don't know how powerful you are when you give me affection. You're my weakness, Yori." A childish whine left your lips as you poked his cheek since you were joking around with him when it was the truth.

Before you could say anything, Yoriichi picked you up and placed you on his lap, wrapping his arms around you before resting his chin on the top of your head. As he ran his fingers through your hair, he kept his mouth shut as there was a gentle smile on his face as he slowly began to relax because you were in his presence.

As much as the memories of the Demon Slayers came back to haunt him, he was more gratefully than that you were there to comfort him and stay by his side. You could've let him leave, but you surprised him when you refused to let him go that easily.

You have no idea how much you mean to me, [name].


After walking around all day after your picnic, you ended up walking back home with Yoriichi by your side. While the two of you talked, you felt a cramp in your ankle after walking and running so much throughout the day since you wanted to be playful and see Yoriichi's smile. As childish as it sounded, it touched your heart when you noticed how much Yoriichi smiled when the two of you rolled around in the grass--, well mainly you before dragging Yoriichi with you.

When Yoriichi heard you wince from running around all day with whatever energy you had left, he stopped in his tracks and tugged on your sleeve. "You have been running around all day. Let me carry you, [name]." He turned to look at you, raising his hand as he caressed your cheek. After all, he knew how tired you were from exploring and spending time with him.

He was pleased to hear your laugh once more after exiling yourselves from the Demon Slayers without any hope of going back. While he did think he was burdening you because of how much time you spent weaving to try to provide for the two of you, all you did was reassure him that you were okay with working.

While you worked, he continued to hunt demons without anyone asking him to. Without protesting, you nodded in response and got on Yoriichi's back after he gave you the okay, wrapping your arms around his neck as your legs tightly secured around his waist.

"Did you have fun today, Yori?"

You asked, resting your head on his shoulder as you admired the landscape, waiting for his answer patiently. "Yes, I did. I had fun, and it was lovely to see you smile as bright as the sun once more. It makes me happy when I see you happy." It made you smile since you were relieved to hear his answer, and he was honest about it too, so it reassured you when he said that he enjoyed your date.

"That's good. I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed yourself too."

You softly smiled before placing a kiss on the back of his head to let him know you were grateful. You could've kissed him on his cheek, but he was a lot taller than you were, and he was busy keeping his attention on the road while walking back home. As the two of you crossed through the countryside of Japan with the sunset warning you to get home as soon as possible, you couldn't help but admire how beautiful the sight was.

As you basked in the warm sunlight upon your skin, it was enough to make you feel sleepy after spending the whole day with Yoriichi. "I'm happy I came to this era." You murmured into Yoriichi's shoulder as you attempted to keep your eyes open to continue admiring the sunset. Before Yoriichi could turn to ask you a question, he stopped in his tracks to hear your quiet snores, raising an eyebrow at how quickly you fell asleep without a problem.

"What am I going to do with you, [name]?"

Yoriichi asked himself, shaking his head with a smile as he continued to walk back home. Seeing you smile was enough for him to smile just as brightly as he used to when he was apart of the Demon Slayers. When you were asleep at home, he wasn't too far from home to search for his brother that he wanted to see badly.

With every failed search, he was thankful he had you to support and strengthen him not to give up on Michikatsu. Once he arrived back at the house, he quietly entered the silent home and carefully laid you down on the futon, removing your haori as quietly as he could and folded it neatly, placing it beside the futon.

He then pulled the covers to your shoulders and leaned his head down, planting a kiss on your forehead. He then took your hand in his and raised it, placing a longing kiss on your knuckles as you slept without a care in the world.

"Thank you for everything, [name]."


A/n: Hey, guys! I'm still alive, don't worry! Now that I'm on spring break, I've been a bit lazy so I apologize for not updating any chapters lately! Now that I'm back, it feels great to write another chapter for this book and I decided to make this book a bit longer than I wanted to because I love Yoriichi and I'm sure you all feel the same way too! I'm currently planning on doing a Genya x Reader and Shinobu x Reader soon so I hope you guys will look forward to those upcoming books! Sorry for rambling but always- thank you for your support!

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