We Meet Again

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It was finally time to invade the Infinite Fortress. When you approached the castle, Nakime instantly teleported you, and everyone separated themselves from each other without a choice in the matter. As you wandered throughout the fortress, you struck down every demon heading your way without a sense of repentance in your expression, displaying such coldness and loathing towards the demons who dared go against you.

When you caught a familiar scent, your blood boiled at the stench of the man you despised for all these years when you approached the room he was in without thinking. Without a sense of politeness, you kicked the door and set your fingers on the hilt of your sword. When your darkened [e/c] orbs came in contact with his, he turned to look at you as it had been years since he saw you.



"It seems you have no sense of manners."

He remarked when he finally got to see you after numerous years since your last fight. "At this point, shouldn't you be surprised? Every so year, you run into me." You remarked harshly before crossing your arms over your chest. You were no fool to forget what the two of you were before all this happened. You missed the times when you were friends and bickered with one another without much of a reason.

"I assume you are here to kill me once again?"

Kokushibo inquired, studying you as if you were a canvas, and questioned if there was no chance to gain your trust back. After what he did to you, there was no doubt you cursed him and desired to take his life with your hands. "You already know why I'm here. I won't stop clashing with you until I take your life. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You already know how much anger has grown inside me and how much I resent your existence." You then took out your blade from its sheath and pointed it at him, your eyes showing such anger and vengeance.

"Are you sure you want vengeance for Yoriichi, or is this for yourself?"

"I am here for what you did to us! If you hadn't turned me into a demon, I wouldn't be hunting you every so hundred years! You're the reason why I'm like this! You're the reason why I dedicated my life to find you and kill you for myself! I could've lived a peaceful life with Yoriichi because that's all I wanted! You destroyed everything! And for what?! Pride and power?!"

When Kokushibo appeared right in front of you, you quickly took a step back and attempted to stab him in the heart right then and there until Kokushibo grabbed your hand and wrapped his arm around you. "Let me go! I hate you! I hate you with every fiber of my being!"

When you tried your best to scratch at his face, he still held you in his arms tightly despite sensing your anger, sadness, and frustration. "I'm sorry for what I put you through, [name]. I wish we remained friends. I never meant to hurt you." You didn't bother to listen to his words because you knew he was lying, or that was what you thought. You knew he had strong feelings for you, but you chose his brother, and you will always choose Yoriichi, no matter what.


You hissed through your teeth before freeing your hand away from his grip and struck him right on the face. A harsh slap echoed through the room when you took a step back from him after he freed you. "You don't regret anything. Just how heartless are you! If you actually never meant to hurt me, why did you turn me into a demon without giving me a choice? Why did you kill your own brother right in front of me?! Just because you couldn't have me doesn't mean you could make my life a living hell!"

Your voice cracked from the sadness you endured while you held a strong persona right in front of the Demon Slayers and told yourself you were strong, but you knew there was no way you could ever be strong. The scars on your heart remained even after centuries passed when you should've moved on. Just because you moved on didn't mean the pain went away overnight.


"I don't want to hear it."

You bluntly interrupted him as you prepared yourself to fight once more because that was the entire cycle you both had. Every time you met, the scars on your heart reopened, and there would be a fight. Neither you nor Kokushibo was the winner, but you hated this man with every fiber of your being for what he did to you and Yoriichi.

Even when Yoriichi was gone forever, you remained behind because you wanted to end Muzan and give Yoriichi some peace, but you had other goals in mind. When you prepared to charge towards Kokushibo, a sigh left his lips when he took out his sword and prepared to fight you once again, except this was a life or death battle. Now that the other Upper Moons were dead, he knew one of you will survive this battle, and he intended this victory to be his.

How did it come to this?

When Michikatsu saw you sleeping beside the gate to wait for Yoriichi, an annoyed sigh left his lips when you didn't care for your health and intended to wait for Yoriichi to come home from a mission. "Stupid girl." He sighed and walked up to you, staring down at you as he wondered what you were trying to achieve, waiting for his brother to come home from his missions.

"Oi. Idiot. Wake up."

Michikatsu poked your cheek repeatedly without any success in waking you up in the process. "How you can sleep anywhere peacefully surprises me. How can you sleep at peace when you don't belong in this era?" Michikatsu questioned without receiving much of a response from you when he heard your quiet snores.

"Alright, let's get you to bed."

He reached out to you and picked you up in bridal style, holding you close to his chest as he made his way to your room. When he stared at you, he frowned because there was no way you could ever be his, and honestly, he wished you the best even when it broke his heart seeing you and his brother happy together.

"No matter what happens in the future, I want to stay by your side as your friend."

Once he arrived at your room, he quietly opened the door and walked over to your futon, laying down carefully so he wouldn't wake you up. After putting the blanket over you, he decided to sit beside you for a few minutes as if he was protecting you in your sleep. "I'm so stupid." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair before hiding his face with his hand because he positively felt like an idiot.

"Michi, I swear, if you steal my mochi, you're dead!"

You mumbled in your sleep without any intention of waking up. When Michikatsu looked over to you, a tick mark appeared on his head before flicking your forehead in response. "Stupid girl. So that's what she's dreaming about. I'll steal your mochi and sweets before you wake up for that." He grumbled under his breath and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting as if he was an angry toddler. 

As you began to fight with Kokushibo, Muichiro and Genya were lucky to arrive at the scene and assist you despite being determined to kill this man even if it took you until sunrise to kill him. As there was no ending to this cycle, you knew this was going to be a life or death battle, and it looked like you had the same thought as Kokushibo. You were going to win this battle even if it took the entire night because you weren't going to let him escape this time from your grasp.

"It looks like you have improved."

"Don't flatter me."


Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now