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When Yoriichi left the house to hunt down a demon, it took a while to convince him that you would be fine alone while he went hunting down the demon. After he left, you made sure to burn Wisteria Incense to keep the demons away from the house.

Over the months you stayed in this era, it taught you enough to protect yourself from those man-eating monsters that Yoriichi hunted. Once you have lit the incense, you didn't worry that much and slept peacefully after Yoriichi specifically instructed you to burn the incense after leaving the house, which you obligated to his instruction. When you heard a noise coming from outside, you felt your heart drop to your stomach since you didn't like this feeling at all. You gradually sat up and reached over to grab your sword.

As much as your gut told you not to go outside, you took out your blade from its sheath as you cautiously wandered into the darkness of the woods. As soon as you reached a particular portion of the woods, you saw a man standing there beneath the moon. As soon as your eyes landed on him, your heart sank to your stomach once more when you saw him turning around to meet you, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.

A quiet gasp left your lips before covering your mouth instantly as you quietly took a step back from coming in contact with the male because you recognized him without a moment of hesitation. Before you could break into a sprint, your back collided into something hard as his chest heaved, telling you that there was no chance of escaping.

"So this is where you have been hiding."

The way he addressed the situation sent a shiver down your spine, and it wasn't in a good way either. For the first time, you felt fear as your breath quicked, your heart pounding inside your chest as you slowly turned around to face him. "I know you didn't come here to search for me. What is it? Why are you here?" You demanded as you kept your gaze to the ground without any intention of looking at the monster you've sworn to protect because he was your friend.

In the end, he betrayed you, his brother, and every piece of his humanity to become a bloodthirsty monster. When he reached out his hand towards your face, you quickly slapped it away before raising your head to glare dangerously at the being who was capable of stealing your life in a heartbeat.

"Why are you here?"

"As I said before, I do not need to explain-"

"Stop it with your bullshit! I don't want to see you again! After you betrayed us, I swore to kill you myself the next time I see you! I don't ever want to look at the man who was stupid to change sides because he wanted power!"

You shouted at him despite being in a vulnerable situation because you had no other protection from him. There were no other Demon Slayers to back you up, and Yoriichi was gone too. "I don't want to see you again. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Now I can't save you from yourself. I don't want to be around you." Before you could run away back to the safety of your home, he grabbed you by the arm to prevent you from running as it was obvious you didn't want to face him.

"Let me go."

"No. You can be useful to me if only you would hear what I have to say."

In response, you didn't do anything to anger him because you knew there was not a chance to go against him. "Do you despise me that much you could not spare a glance towards me?" Kokushibo asked, staring down at you as if you were nothing but an insect to him. For the time he had been gone, you realized he possibly lost his humanity, so what was the point of fighting someone powerful than you.

"I do despise you for betraying Yoriichi the most." There was it again. Kokushibo gritted his teeth at the mention of his brother, who he saw that you were loyal to Yoriichi alone."

You may be a fool, but I noticed you are improving your skills with a blade. I am only here to speak, not to fight."

Not only his words pissed you off, but you also pulled your arm away from the other, glaring daggers into his eyes as you showed no more fear. "I don't care what you want from me. Kindly fuck off, please." You then walked away from him until you heard the sound of metal escaping the sheath.

"And here I thought you were intelligent enough, [name]. Although I have no reason to keep you by my side, I want to train you to become a perfect swordswoman as a demon. I am sure that man will be pleased."

So that's the reason why he came here.

You looked over your shoulder, raising an eyebrow as you also took out your blade from its sheath since you were not in the mood to play games. "I'm not interested-" Before you could respond with a snarky remark, you were quick enough to turn around when your blades crashed into one another.

"Alright. If you want to play this game with me, let's play."

You then rose your foot, thrusting it into his stomach to push him back away from you as you prepared yourself to fight once more. There's a good chance that you were going to die, but he was the one who started it, and you were going to finish this. As the fight began, it was challenging to keep up because this was your second time battling Kokushibo as a demon when you couldn't even defeat him when he was human.

"Why do you want to turn me into a demon that badly?!"

Although you demanded an answer, you didn't receive anything from him as the two of you battled. How did it come to this? You asked yourself as you fought tooth and nail with him as he didn't bat an eye at how much you were struggling to fight him. As you rose your fist to punch his face when there was an opening, he threw you towards a nearby tree with such force where it caused your ears to ring as you tried your best to make out where he was.

As he walked towards you with his blade in hand, you refused to back down as you tried your best to get back on track. "I regret not saving you from this." You whispered as you stared into his eyes as the result of your failure stood right in front of you. "I'm sorry I came into this world. I'm sorry for causing you to become what you are now... but there is one thing I don't regret. I don't regret loving this world and grow to become strong. I will never submit." You then brought your blade and slashed his face instantly, taking this chance to raise your feet and kicked him in the chest as you fell to the ground.

"Sorry, it had to be this way."


A/n: Hello, everyone! Sorry if I haven't updated in a while! Again, I had major writer's block but I finally figured out what to write so I hope you will like this chapter and the next one. As for Koku, I will make his speech italic and bold for now to see who's talking- and I imagine him with a deep voice 👀 Anyway! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now