When I Am With You, I Feel Safe

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When Yoriichi didn't leave the house to slay demons with you, you spent most of your time growing the garden as much as you could. As Yoriichi watched from a distance, there was pure love and admiration in his maroon eyes. There was a smile on his lips as he listened to you sing as he continued to watch you until you lifted your head to catch him staring at you. "Yoriichi? Is there something on my face?" You asked, tilting your head to the side innocently when he walked over to you in response.

"No. I was wondering how someone as adorable as you could be a fierce demon slayer."

He responded quietly before cleaning your cheek with a small handkerchief to wipe the dirt off your [s/c] cheek. You smiled lovingly at the other before placing your hand over his, turning your face, and planted a kiss on his palm before closing your eyes as you continued to smile. As Yoriichi stared down at you, he tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear before wrapping his arm around you to hold you close to his chest.

Ever since you met him, you didn't expect a man as great as him to be attracted to you even when you were new to the world and regularly bickered with his brother. "Is there anything you want to do?" You asked before craning your neck upward as you looked at him to see what he was going to say. "I was thinking of helping you in the garden. I want to see it grow as well."

Yoriichi nodded as he looked around to see that the garden has yet to be taken care of, but he knew the two of you would be able to make it beautiful. "Sounds good to me. Let's get to work then!" You smiled brightly before separating yourself from Yoriichi to tie your hair up, making your way to the batches of soil that you had yet to attend as Yoriichi followed after you.

After working on the garden, you sat down on the grass to get some rest until Yoriichi laid his head on your lap, closing his eyes as he began to relax after some work on the garden. He was happy he could live a regular life with you by his side, and Yoriichi was grateful for the chance he was given for happiness when you came into his life that night. When he opened his eyes once more to admire your face, he has never seen such a beautiful smile when you would only smile at him like that and for no man other than him.

"You keep staring at me. What's on your mind?"

You addressed, brushing a few hairs away from his face as you began to trace his birthmark with your finger, wondering what the story was behind it. "I apologize for staring. I continue to think you are a dream. I want our lives to be as peaceful without worrying for me." He then lifted his hand to cup your cheek as he smiled tenderly at you, his maroon eyes softening as he stared at you with nothing but love and admiration.

You smiled in response before placing your hand over his, closing your eyes as you brightly smiled as you turned your head to kiss the palm of his hand. As he watched you, his smile never left his lips because he was happy he could spend time with you as much as possible. Without you knowing, he stared at you with love because you were a blessing in his life as he slowly began to forgive himself for the guilt he bore after the passing of his family.

If only you knew how much of a blessing you are in my life, [name].


"[name]? Where are you?"

Yoriichi asked as he looked around the house when he woke up to see that you were not laying beside him this morning. A moment of panic caused the poor man to run out of the house to see you standing there on the grass with a bunch of children clinging to you as you gave them Onigiris to feed them, patting their heads gently as if you were a mother. When he caught sight of your gentle smile, he could've sworn he felt his heart skip a beat as he continued to watch you from a distance.

"Now, be careful going home. Try not to go home too late, alright?"

You smiled before sending the children on their way as their bright smiles and laughter touched your heart because you felt it was your duty to make others happy. When you turned around to pay your attention to Yoriichi, he walked over to you and took your hand into his, raising it to his lips, planting a tender kiss on your knuckles.

"My, what's gotten you so affectionate this morning?"

You asked as a giggle left your lips, your smile never disappearing even when Yoriichi was here with you. "You were kind to those children. I did not know you had a soft spot for children." Yoriichi then wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his chest as he rested his chin on the crown of your head. "Well, children do know how to soften my heart." You replied before leaning your head upon his shoulder, enclosing your arms around his waist.

Of course, you couldn't help but let a yawn escape your lips when you tried your best not to yawn in front of him since he was going to make you rest whether you liked it or not. You quickly looked up at the other and saw his stare as if he was going to scold you for staying up late making food and reading since you couldn't sleep much. While Yoriichi slept like a baby the night before, it was difficult for you to adjust to sleeping in another bed at a different home after leaving the Demon Slayers Corps behind.

"Before you do anything- I'm not tired."

"You stayed up throughout the evening making Onigiri and reading, [name]."

"Huh?! Did not!"

Before you could protest, Yoriichi slipped his arm under your thighs and lifted you in bridal style without a problem, making his way back to the house as you desperately attempted to persuade him you weren't tired. With a defeated sigh leaving your [l/c] lips, you crossed your arms over your chest and began to pout as soon as Yoriichi brought you back inside and laid you down on the futon, sitting bedside you as there was a smile on his face.

"Alright, alright. I'll rest."

You sighed, reaching out your hand to give the Sun Breather a head pat, reassuring him that you were not angry with him at all. As you took the time to admire his face, you had a feeling you would not be able to see his face once more or even have the chance to say how much you loved him. Yoriichi seemed to have caught your worry, so he gently wrapped his arms around you and held you as if he was protecting you from danger when you felt nothing could harm you now.

"What's wrong? Have I done something to upset you?"

Yoriichi questioned before cupping your face to make you look at him, his marron orbs expressing worry since he didn't want to do anything that made you uncomfortable or feel unsafe. "No, you haven't done anything wrong, Yoriichi. I only want to admire you. I love you, Yoriichi." After saying those words, you quickly hid your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around him, indicating you preferred to keep your flushed expression away from his sight.

He was taken aback when you said you loved him even though he held himself back from smiling when you said those words to him and bury your face into his chest afterward. As he ran his fingers through your hair, he planted a kiss on your forehead as his lips remained there, feeling his smile against your forehead. Yoriichi then cupped your cheek and rose your head from his chest, smiling tenderly at you with nothing but appreciation and delicacy in his eyes.

"I love you too. When I am with you, I feel safe."


A/n: Hello everyone! I'm not as stressed anymore, but school is still kicking my butt. But! As promised, here's a chapter filled with cuteness because I love this book and I want to continue writing for it. I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter and I promise that drama and angst will soon come! I'll see you all soon in the next chapter! Stay safe!

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