An Adorable Jealously

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After choosing to be in exile with Yoriichi, it wasn't that bad of a choice because you could explore and go wherever you wanted to go. Of course, you were no fool to see Yoriichi criticizing himself silently because he lost his brother. You managed to find an abandoned house, and the two of you didn't hesitate to get to work to fix the house since you wanted to provide for yourself and Yoriichi. As the two of you walked into town, the look in your eyes made Yoriichi smile because he appreciated everything about you.

You were willing to learn more about his world with your eyes and expressed joy because you wanted to stay here with him. As you held his hand, the sparkle of curiosity never left your eyes as you looked around the marketplace as if you were a child in a candy store.

"[name], I will be right back. I am going to buy us food to make dinner."

Yoriichi spoke out, caressing your cheek as he smiled faintly at you to let you know he will be back. "Oh, I see. I'll wait for you, don't worry. I'm going to look at the kimonos there, so I'll meet you there." You then pointed at a small shop that sold beautiful kimonos that caught your eye as soon you entered the marketplace.

"Alright. I will be back soon."

Yoriichi knew you could take care of yourself, so he had no reason to babysit you or tower over you since you were an adult, and you could take care of yourself. Once Yoriichi made his way to a fruit stand, you walked over to the shop to admire the beautiful kimonos that caught your eye with gorgeous bright colors and designs. As you ran your fingers across the fabric, you were taken aback when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

When you turned around to face the person who tapped your shoulder, you ended up staring at a man who was smiling at you. He looked like he was one of those innocent-looking guys you've seen in anime, and he looked like he was an innocent cinnamon roll due to how pure his smile was. "Sorry if I bothered you. I noticed that you were admiring the kimonos. They're quite beautiful, aren't they?" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck since you were still processing what was going on.

You could tell he was timid, but he pushed himself to interact with you. "I agree. They're beautiful. Those designs tell a story, and I find them to be interesting." You responded with a smile, so you wouldn't have to be seen as a cold-hearted and disinterested woman. Of course, it wasn't wrong to socialize with people, but you remained loyal to Yoriichi, so you would say something if this man was going to flirt with you.

The conversation ended up talking about fashion and admiring the kimonos, which wasn't that bad of a conversation since you were fascinated with the era, mind you. When Yoriichi came to find you, the first thing he saw was a man talking to you and admiring the kimonos while the two of you chatted.

Yes, Yoriichi trusted you a lot, and you were doing nothing but talking to someone about fashion and knew it wasn't your fault or the other person's fault. "[name], I'm done with shopping. Let us go home." Since you finished your shopping, you nodded in response and waved goodbye to him before taking Yoriichi's hand as you made your way out of the marketplace.

"It seems like you made a new friend. That is good to see that you are becoming comfortable here."

Judging by his expression, it made you giggle because he reminded you of a jealous puppy even when he didn't say anything. When he caught you giggling at him, he rose an eyebrow as he watched you turn your head away from him to continue laughing. "Why are you laughing at me? Was it something I said?" He asked, tilting his head to the side innocently since he had an innocent persona surrounding him while you thought of him as adorable.

"No, no! You didn't say anything wrong, Yoriichi! I find you adorable!"

Just then, Yoriichi lifted your hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your knuckles, leaving you to be flustered by his actions alone. Ever since what happened, Yoriichi had always been protective of you and did what he could to show how much he appreciated you. From forehead kisses to small pecks on your lips, he continually tried his best to give his affection, but this time, he was far clinger than he usually is.

"Uh- Yoriichi? Is everything okay?"

You asked, tilting your head to the side when he rested your hand against his cheek as there was a small pout on his lips, although it wasn't noticeable at first. When you noticed his pout, one thought came across your mind, figuring why he was pouting all of a sudden when he gave you that same reaction every time the demon slayers crowded around you, thanking you for the food you made for them daily.

"My, Yoriichi. Are you jealous?"

You pointed out with a giggle, his flustered reaction amusing you because he quickly hid his face with his hand in an attempt not to give a response. "I am not. I am merely showing you my affection." He slyly shrugged off your suspicion even though it was clear he wanted your attention the most. Once you arrived back at the house, Yoriichi sat down on the ground with his arms crossed as his back faced you without saying anything to you in the process.

A small sigh left your lips as you finished folding your kimono and put it away before walking over to Yoriichi, wrapping your arms around him from behind, and rested your head on his shoulder. "You have my full attention now, Yoriichi." When you received a small grumble in response, you thought of an idea, so you slowly let go of him and began making your way to the door.

"Well, I'm going back to the marketplace and admire the kimonos-"

Before you could continue, a small yelp left your lips when Yoriichi smoothly grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, caging you with his arms as he rested his chin on top of your head. "Please stay with me." Yoriichi then rested his head on your shoulder, his hair tickling the side of your neck. Due to how much he nuzzled his face into your shoulder, he reminded you of a child who wanted attention, but of course, you didn't mind it at all.

"Fine, fine. I won't go. Who knew you would be this adorable, Yoriichi~"

You cooed as you lifted your hand and placed it on his head, running your fingers through his hair as there was a gentle smile on your lips. Although it hadn't been that long since his exile, all you could wonder what would happen to the Demon Slayer Corps now that Yoriichi exiled himself for life. As you were deep into thought, Yoriichi lifted his head to see how focused you were without realizing that you were probably too deep in your thoughts.

"[name]? Is everything alright?" When Yoriichi poked your cheek, you quickly nodded your head and directed your head to the side to smile at him, reassuring him that you were okay. "Yes, I'm okay. I was thinking how cute you are when you're jealous." As soon as those words left your lips, you stuck your tongue at him innocently while he stared at you without a reaction.


"As I said, I was not jealous."

He sighed before looking over to the side, noticing how his ears began to turn a faint red which told you that he was abashed because of your assumption. You slowly took his chin and turned his head to look back at you while he tried his best to avoid eye contact.

"You're so cute. You know for a fact that you will always have my attention, Yoriichi." You then pecked his cheek before getting up from his lap and made your way to the kitchen to cook some dinner as Yoriichi followed after you to help out too.

"I am not cute."

"Yes, you are~"


A/n: Hello, everyone! Sorry if I haven't been updating! I've been on major writing block for this chapter alone because I was debating either I should make Yoriichi jealous or not and how he should express it. But yes, I'm alive, and I will be updating regularly. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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