The Festival And a Bright Smile

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Since that day, there hadn't been many reports about any demons since Yoriichi began to bring you with him and Michikatsu to use your breath style more. There have been a few scares in the meantime, but you believed all that training was worth it because Yoriichi was there to help you out. People thought it was a good idea to go to a festival to relax for the day to have fun and eat all you could to enjoy some time of relaxation.

Of course, you decided to invite Yoriichi to join you and everyone at the festival. As you finished putting a [f/c] flower in your hair, a small sigh left your [l/c] lips as you continued to stare at yourself in the mirror. Despite wearing a gorgeous kimono that you picked yourself, you began to wonder about Yoriichi and his reaction. Yes, you had been on dates multiple times, but sometimes those didn't work out, but this was different.

You wanted to look beautiful for Yoriichi even if you were going to a festival and spend time with him. You decided to head out of your room and walk to the entrance, where everyone was waiting for you. Of course, several demon slayers chose to stay behind to keep watch.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

You announced, smiling at everyone as if you weren't internally panicking because you were scared of what they were going to think of you. When you caught sight of Yoriichi, his eyes widen with surprise before looking away from you instantly, covering his flushed face with his hand. He was thankful that it was somewhat dark since he didn't want you to tease him if you caught him blushing.

You tilted your head to the side when you saw Yoriichi looking away, smiling because you managed to make him flustered without saying anything. When everyone complimented you, you thanked them and began walking out of headquarters beside Yoriichi, who remained silent. "You look beautiful," Yoriichi commented quietly before looking over to you with a small smile on his lips. You released a comforting sigh before beaming at him in reply and reached out to take his sleeve of his haori instead of his hand. "You look handsome as always, Yoriichi."

Your cheeks flushed a faint red as you feel your heart pound rapidly inside your chest loudly. Tonight was the night you were going to confess to Yoriichi how you felt about him. You then took a good look at him from the corner of your eye to see the purest smile on his lips as he continued to walk by your side.

Once you arrived at the festival, your [e/c] orbs sparkled at the sight of people and the bright colors of the lanterns lighting up the night sky. The scent of food caused your stomach to rumble in the process. It was similar to the festivals back at home, except it was far more colorful and lively. "How beautiful!" You exclaimed as you began making your way down the hill to go to the festival, with Yoriichi following after you to make sure you didn't fall or ruin your kimono.

"[name], there is a lot of people here. Will you let me hold your hand?"

Yoriichi requested before holding out his hand for you to take, although he expected you to politely refuse his request since he knew you were capable of looking after yourself. "Sure! I wouldn't want you to get lost either, Yoriichi." You let go of his sleeve to hold his hand, intertwining your fingers together as the two of you walked, while the others began to pout that you wouldn't hold hands with them while the rest saw that you and Yoriichi would be alright with each other.

As the two of you played games with everyone and nearly taking out someone's eye when you threw a knife, you carried a bunch of silk and other things that you won. As the two of you walked and enjoyed the food, Yoriichi watched you happily eat some grilled fish with a loving smile, his maroon eyes softening at the sight of your bright smile that caused his heart to skip a beat. When you caught Yoriichi staring at you, you stopped eating and looked at him, tilting your head to the side innocently as you wondered why he was staring at you.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now