Complicated Feelings

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After enough training, you were finally able to create a breathing style of your own. Of course, picking names for each form wasn't as easy as you thought it was. With enough help, you agreed with the others to call your breathing style the Flower Breath. As simple as it was, Yoriichi approved of the name and encouraged you to generate names for each form you conceived, although it did take some time experimenting and long nights figuring out what to call each form.

A part of your training revolved around fighting the other demon slayers to develop your agility and endurance if you were to roam outside of the headquarters alone. Although the preparation was a bit much, it was better safe than sorry, so you understood why they were willing to help you out. When you were knocked down on your back by Michikatsu on the training ground, you lifted your hand to signal him to stop since you were working on combat.

Since you lived a sheltered life without having to worry about demons, you preferred to be safe instead of suffering a slow and painful death if those bloodthirsty creatures attack you. "How long are you going to beat me to the ground until you're satisfied?" You groaned as you sat up, dusting the dirt off your hakama pants before glancing at Michikatsu with a scowl on your lips, your [e/c] orbs revealing both irritation and frustration that Michikatsu enjoyed beating you until you were on the ground.

"Are you done acting snarky with me? Did you learn your lesson not to be too arrogant during training?"

Look who's talking, you self-conscious jerk.

You thought to yourself before blowing a strand of hair away from your face as you wiped the sweat off from your brow. "Yeah, yeah. I learned my lesson." You scoffed before standing up from the ground that Michikatsu didn't bother helping you up, leaving you to dust off the remaining dirt off your hakama pants.

"That defensive move you did earlier was impressive. What are you planning on naming it?"

Michikatsu asked as he looked over your shoulder when he caught sight of your [f/c] blade. "I'm going to call it the Honorable Shadow Plum. That will be second form and the first one if anyone wants to learn how to use my breathing." You peered over your shoulder to look at Michikatsu and smiled, only to frown once more when you saw the look he was giving you. Before he could open his mouth, you quickly put your hand over his mouth to shut him up so he wouldn't say anything to insult your choice of names.

"Don't even think about it."

You sighed before taking your hand off his mouth and put the blade back in your sheath where it belonged. "Do you like my brother romantically?" Startled by his upfront question, you quickly turned your body around to face him, your eyes widening in shock as the heat began to emerge on your [s/c] cheeks. Just by your reaction alone, Michikatsu's question confirmed his suspicion, so he decided to see if he would get an answer out of you or not.

"Why on Earth would you ask me that? He and I are friends and nothing more."

You immediately answered without a moment of hesitation since you found your crush on the Sun Breather embarrassing. Michikatsu let out an exaggerated sigh before flicking your forehead quite harshly as he stared down at you intensely as if he was studying your mind for some strange reason. "Friends do not stare lovingly into each other's eyes and flirt with each other. You like him, do you?" He was right, after all. You started to develop feelings for Yoriichi, but you felt that he deserved someone better than you.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now