Michikatsu's Plan

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"If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that." You sang as you began walking away from the scene, not realizing that Michikatsu and the other two men were following you, "No man is worth the aggravation. That's ancient history, been there, done that."

You waved your hand as you thought about your past relationships that didn't end too well. When you thought about Yoriichi, an annoyed sigh left your lips before covering your face with your hands to distract you from thinking about Yoriichi. "Who do you think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to you." You winced as soon as the men answered in harmony, their palms on their sides as they grinned since they knew about your crush.

How the hell did they sound perfect in unison?

You thought to yourself as you suddenly grew concerned because you knew what they were trying to do. "Try to keep it hidden, Princess. We can see right through you. Girl, you can't conceal it," Akihiko and another man smiled innocently, their eyebrows wiggling as they both elbowed you gently to make you confess your crush to them.

This situation alone made you blush brightly as a tomato, and these idiots knew they were getting to you. Not to mention, they popped out of nowhere like daises, which somewhat concerned you on how they snuck up behind you in the first place. "We know how you're feeling and who you're thinking of." Michikatsu smoothly took the flower from your hair and swirled it in your face as he continued to taunt you.

The little bastard wasn't intending on stopping, and the fact that he resembled Yoriichi a lot made you even more flustered. "No chance, no way I won't say it, no-no!" You quickly grabbed the flower away from him, frowning at the other since he wasn't planning on giving up. You decided to walk to get away from those men who were going along with what you did. What started as a simple song you wanted to sing, they managed to go along with what you did. At this point, you began to regret talking about your era to them.

"You swoon, you sigh. Why deny it?"

A groan left your lips before rolling your eyes at them, waving your hand at them to shoo Michikatsu and his friends away since you were already embarrassed enough. When you looked over to where Yoriichi stood, helping out a demon slayer, another sigh left your lips as you continued to walk. "I won't say I'm in love. I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming, get a grip girl, unless you're dying to cry your heart out."

When you thought about your past relationships, none of them were right for you, and some relationships left you in heartbreak. You knew Yoriichi wasn't the type of person, but you were still scared to tell him how you felt, and these men were not helping you out at all. "Girl, you can't deny it. Who you are and how you're feeling, Princess, we're not buying. We saw you hit the ceiling."

Akihiko then wrapped his arm around your shoulder, smiling like the idiot he was as he was trying to encourage you. What you didn't know was that Yoriichi saw and heard everything that was going on. He raised an eyebrow at the scene as he wondered what was happening right now.

"Face it like a grown-up when you are going to own up that you got, got it, bad!"

You then shoved Akihiko's face away from you since you refused to give them what they wanted. They could already see that you were starting to break to tell them how you felt. It looked like Michikatsu's plan was working out well because it was working. "No chance, no way I won't say it, no no!" You instantly shook your head before covering your ears to block out their nonsense.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now