His/Her Smile

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After hours of begging Yoriichi to train you to handle a sword, you managed to convince him since you needed a way to defend yourself if you were going to be stuck here. As soon you arrived at the training grounds, you watched the others swing their swords and spar with one another to practice at getting better. When your [e/c] orbs came in contact with Michikatsu's from afar, you stuck out your tongue as a greeting while he turned his head away from you and had his back face you.

"Come along now, [name]. I will teach you how to hold and fight with a wooden sword before giving you a real one." Yoriichi grabbed your wrist lightly and guided you to a part of the training grounds where you would spar with him as a warmup, so you could get an idea of what to do. "Yoriichi-san. You can let go of me now." You smiled at the male, referring to his hand holding your wrist, although you did find it adorable every time he did so without notice. Without saying a word, he let go of your wrist and looked away from you, hiding the bottom half of his face with his hand.

You failed to notice the small blush that crept on his cheeks and the redness on his ears as well. When you were about to ask him a question, he handed you a wooden sword even though you were curious about what was going through his head when you finally noticed his blush. You had to admit that it was adorable to see a quiet and mysterious man like him react this way, but you didn't know why.

As Yoriichi began to direct your position to hold a sword properly, you took the time to admire who he was as a person. Even when he seemed like the type of person to not care about anything, that wasn't true. You saw he was a caring and gentle man to those around him, especially around you as well. You were caught off guard when Yoriichi placed his hand on your back to straighten it since you were slouching slightly and moved your right foot with his wooden sword as well so you could be in the right position.

"Do not slouch. You must have your back straightened."

You nodded before straightening your back as Yoriichi asked you to as you followed his every direction, swinging your sword as you should with Yoriichi watching and correcting you if you made a mistake. You had to admit that Yoriichi was a good teacher when it came to learning how to wield a sword and learning the basics. After two hours passed, you put the sword away before stretching your arms outwards, a small tired groan leaving your lips.

You turned to thank Yoriichi until you saw him walking away without a word out of him. You decided to follow after him even though you weren't sure if he wanted you to follow him in the first place. "Yoriichi-san! Wait up!" You called out to him before breaking your walk into a run so you could catch up to him. That was until you tripped over yourself once more since wearing a kimono was still something you were getting used to wearing. Before you could hit the ground, you tightly closed your eyes to prepare for impact until you were caught suddenly.

You slowly opened one eye and looked up to see Yoriichi staring down at you with worry in his eyes while his face remained blankless, as expected. "Please do not run. I do not want you to hurt yourself." Yoriichi then let go of you once you were on your two feet. You are the clumsiest person on this planet, but you didn't expect Yoriichi to be worried and catch you when you didn't pay attention. When you looked up at a tree nearby, your [e/c] orbs sparkled when you caught sight of apples, your stomach rumbling at the sight of them.

"Come on, Yoriichi-san! Let's go grab some apples!"

Without hesitation, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along, lifting parts of your kimono to your knees with your free hand to run easier towards the tree. As soon as you approached the tree, you tied your hair into a small ponytail before tying parts of your kimono to climb easier. When Yoriichi saw what you were going to do, he didn't want you to get hurt or fall when trying to grab the apples, so he crouched down to the ground before looking over to you to see if you would get the hint.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now