Childish Bickering

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After a few hours passed when Yoriichi brought inside the Demon Slayer Corps, many men were curious to see who their powerful Demon Corps member brought in. When Yoriichi carefully laid you down on a futon, Michikatsu clicked his tongue with annoyance at his brother's actions. "You seem upset, brother. Why is that?" Yoriichi asked before turning his head to look at Michikatsu, noticing a distaste look on his brother's expression.

"It's not a good idea to bring this woman here, Yoriichi." Michikatsu didn't understand why his brother brought this strange-looking woman here. Yoriichi didn't give much of a response to his brother's crude remark until a small groan left your lips, receiving Yoriichi's attention as well as the other men's attention.

"She made a noise."

"Is she dead?"

"Why would she be dead if she's breathing, idiot?"

As much as Yoriichi protested when Michikatsu tied your hands behind your back with rope, Michikatsu excused it as a way to keep you restrained in case if you tried to attack either of them. As you slowly opened your eyes, you saw Yoriichi and everyone staring at you, causing you to let out a small annoyed groan and turned your body to lay on your side as your back facing them.

"If I'm in hell, I want to go back to sleep."

You grumbled under your breath, annoyed that you woke up from all the noise and whispers-- arguably, it was Michiktau's offensive remarks that woke you up and made you be in a pissy mood. "Wake up, you wench." Michikatsu hissed, nudging his foot with your back harshly, earning a yelp out of you, and quickly sat up to glare at him, preparing yourself to cuss him out until you realized that you were the only one unharmed.

Ah, shit. If I say the wrong thing or piss off Mr. Edge lord here, he won't hesitate to slit my throat. I'm the only one unarmed.

You thought to yourself as you examined your current position. As your eyes looked around the room, they stopped to stare at Yoriichi, who was the one that saved you from the creature. As much as you wanted to thank him for saving your life, you did not doubt that these men didn't trust you at all. As Yoriichi stayed silent, he gave you a look, apologizing that you had to be in this situation when it wasn't even your fault.

"Who are you?"

Michikatsu ordered, keeping his attention on you even though it annoyed you that some random guy would be bossing you around. "My name is [name]." You answered, narrowing your eyes at the other as the two of you glared at each other. Before Michikatsu could come up with a threat, Yoriichi decided to step in, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder and shook his head.

"If you do not mind, will you answer our questions truthfully?" Yoriichi requested before turning his attention towards you. You nodded your head in response as you watched Yoriichi calming down Michikatsu before sitting down to answer their questions. To you, it genuinely looked like they were curious about where you came from. You came from another era, and it was clear to see that they were interested.

"I will answer your questions truthfully."

After two hours of questioning, you succeeded in convincing them that you were not an enemy. You weren't there to cause any harm to them, and they saw through you. They convinced themselves that you were not there to decept them or harm them. It surprised you when they asked you questions about your world. Of course, you didn't respond much to their questions since you were afraid of messing up this timeline more than you wanted to.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now