I Will Always Love You, No Matter What

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Ever since Kokushibo forcibly turned you into a demon, it had been challenging since Yoriichi could never go on walks with you in the daytime. When the sun began to set, it alerted you that it would be safe to leave the house soon while Yoriichi sat on the porch waiting for you to come out of the house. "I'm sorry I made our lives difficult, Yoriichi." You spoke out from the shadows when Yoriichi turned his head to look at you with a faint smile on his lips.

"Do not apologize. I am thankful you are breathing. Although I should have done more to protect you, I am grateful you are alive."

Once the sun had completely set, you slowly got up from the floor and reached out your hand first to check if it was safe. When your hand didn't burn, you took this as a sign to leave the house and sat down behind Yoriichi, wrapping your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder. You didn't say anything in response. After all, you felt stupid enough to challenge Kokushibo once again as your blood boiled with anger because you weren't human anymore.

When Yoriichi sensed your anger, his large hand gently grabbed your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb to comfort you as much as possible. "I do not want you to blame yourself for what happened the night before." While you apologized to Yoriichi several times, he was always there to whisper nothing but reassuring words as he held you close without any intention of letting you go.

"I do hope my body is alright in my era."

You sighed before letting go of Yoriichi to sit beside him as your shoulder brushed against his, taking his hand into yours. "Do you miss your era?" Yoriichi questioned, glancing over to you as he watched you stare at the night sky with a sense of longing in your eyes.

"I do miss it. I miss my friend and family. But I love it here because I can be with you. I don't think there's ever a chance I'll be able to go back to my era because I'm happy here."

He seems pleased to hear your response when you said that you were happy here with him. As there was nothing but silence between the two of you, you rested your head on his shoulder with your fingers intertwined. When Yoriichi looked over to you, he saw nothing but disappointment in your expression because you felt like you burdened Yoriichi enough with your current situation.

Before you could ask a question, Yoriichi slipped his arm under your legs and lifted you to place you on his lap, wrapping his arm around you, and leaned his head upon yours. "I know what you are thinking, [name]. You are not a burden to me. You are the best thing that has ever come into my life." There he goes again, showering you with compliments and reassurance because he loved you that much.

When you turned your attention towards the night sky with a gentle smile shown on your lips, Yoriichi looked at the sky with you. You then pointed at a star in the night sky, resting your head against his chest. "Do you see that star there? If we are somehow separated, that will always be our star to come home." You knew there was a chance Yoriichi would risk his life every day because you were a demon, and you could live forever because you were a demon while he was human.

"As you said before, there is no way you are getting rid of me that easily. But I agree. That star will lead me back to you."

Yoriichi whispered before placing a kiss upon the back of your head, holding you close as if he was protecting you from the world. When Yoriichi looked down at you, a sigh left his lips as he still kept his arms around you and leaned his chin on the crown of your head. "You have something on your mind. Will it be alright if I know?" He asked with a gentle tone in his voice that showed he was patient for your answer and not force you to say anything.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now