Melancholy Memories

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How did it come to this?

You asked yourself this question for four hundred years without being answered. Throughout the years after Yoriichi's death, you met a woman named Tamayo who helped modify your body to remove Muzan's curse to be safe. When you asked why she was helping you, she answered simply as repayment for Yoriichi sparing her life. As painful as the results were, there was no way you could bring Yoriichi back to life because he was gone forever.

How cruel of you. You left me without saying goodbye.

You thought to yourself as the memories came back to you after his death. Although it had been years since then, you returned to the Demon Slayer Corps even when it took a very long time to be accepted and had to go through tests to show your loyalty. When it was the Taisho era, it reminded you that four hundred years passed, and it had been lonely for you all this time.

When you were considered a beautiful woman, you did not bat an eye at any men who would come to you. You had to assume that time was different between your modern era and this era because you traveled back in time. The memory of Yoriichi saving you came to mind as you were brushing your [h/l] [h/c] hair, staring at the mirror with nothing but sadness in your eyes.


You heard another man call out only for the other to stop in his tracks when he saw his brother trying to help a strange-looking woman. "I'm fine. I can stand up." You reassured the man who was trying to help you as you slowly stood from your spot. You thought you would be fine until you suddenly felt dizzy. It wasn't like getting hit by a truck and a monster trying to eat you weren't worse enough.

"Here. Let me carry you."

Yoriichi quietly offered, although he didn't do anything to force you to comply. Instead, he stood there patiently as he watched you closely. The first thing he noticed was that your clothing was not from this era. Strangely enough, you held onto a bag and a box-shaped device in your hand tightly as if it was dear to you.


As a tear rolled down your cheek, you wiped it with the sleeve of your kimono, lifting the hairpin that Yoriichi bought for you at the festival when the night you two confessed to each other came to mind. "It had been four hundred years, Yoriichi since you gave me this hairpin. Do you remember that?"

You asked quietly to yourself without expecting much of an answer because you knew he was gone forever. Even when he was no longer alive anymore, he lived in your heart. After all, these painful years of loneliness caused you to think more about Yoriichi as the memories came back to you.

"I bought this for you. I hope you will like it."

Slowly, you removed the top as your eyes widen in surprise from the kanzashi that he bought for you. It touched your heart that Yoriichi decided to buy you something even when you didn't say what you wanted or said anything at all. "I love it, Yoriichi. Thank you." You smiled softly at the other before craning your neck to place a thankful kiss on his cheek before turning your attention to the kanzashi he bought for you.

"Let me put it in for you."

Yoriichi offered even though he was embarrassed that you kissed his cheek out of the blue. Of course, he wasn't complaining since you kissed his cheek and showed you were grateful for his present. Once he received an okay from you, he carefully put the kanzashi in your hair, so he didn't harm you in the process.

As he did before, you slowly put the hairpin into your hair after applying a little bit of makeup to look somewhat decent. When the memory of Yoriichi became jealous during your time together caused you to chuckle softly, remembering his adorable pout when you teased him for it. "I wish I can see your pout again. I remember how you used to get annoyed every time I brought it up."

"As I said, I was not jealous."

He sighed before looking over to the side, noticing how his ears began to turn a faint red which told you that he was abashed because of your assumption. You slowly took his chin and turned his head to look back at you while he tried his best to avoid eye contact.

"You're so cute. You know for a fact that you will always have my attention, Yoriichi." You then pecked his cheek before getting up from his lap and made your way to the kitchen to cook some dinner as Yoriichi followed after you to help out too.

"I am not cute."

"Yes, you are~"

Slowly, you pulled down your kimono top to reveal your left shoulder, where there was a demon mark similar to Yoriichi on your shoulder. "I will avenge you, Yoriichi. He may be your brother, but he took you away from me. He caused me to be like this to bear these years of loneliness without you. I will kill him." Although you were not successful in killing Kokushibo the first three times, you had a secret you were willing to keep from the Demon Slayers and everyone else.

A sigh left your lips before pulling the kimono back over your shoulder to hide the mark on your shoulder. When you turned your head to look at the shrine you built for Yoriichi to keep him in your memory, your eyes saddened slightly as a frown shown on your [l/c] lips. When you stood from your chair to walk over to the shrine, lifting the sword you kept for hundreds of years.

You stared at Yoriichi's picture you've drawn for him since there was no way you could print a picture of him in this era. "I fear I will not join you this soon, my love. Keep waiting for me." You whispered to the shrine before putting the sheath on your waist and tied it tightly to keep it on you at all times. When you turned to look back at the shrine once more, a small sigh left your lips before grabbing your umbrella and opened it to protect you from the sun.

"You will become the very monster you swore to destroy. Once you have grown strong enough, I will give you the chance to defeat me. If you want to kill me, despise me, hate me, and live in an unsightly way, run. Cling to your pathetic life and Yoriichi's. Some day, when you have the same strength as I do, come before me."

Kokushibo's words boiled your blood to the core from how angry you were because he ruined your life. "You made me into a monster. This time, when I see you again, I will show you my wrath and resentment I've held for you." Before you could take a step out of your room, you winced in pain from all the yelling nearby. Either there was a fight going on or something that was causing your ears to hurt from the noise.

"I curse my hearing sometimes."

You groaned with annoyance before making your way to Oyakata-sama's home to see what all the fuss was about. When you approached the garden, a gasp left your lips when you caught sight of a boy that resembled Yoriichi with the same mark on his forehead and earrings. When everyone turned their attention towards you after hearing your gasp, so did the boy.

You covered your mouth with your hand as you continued to stare at Tanjiro with shock in your [e/c] orbs, not believing that this was a dream. Has he come back to you as a child? No, there was a different scent coming from the boy.

"What on earth are you all screaming for?"


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