A Savior

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After eating ramen with [f/n], you were on your way back to the dorm to study for an important test coming up. As you walked, you looked around to see that people were walking past you to get to where they needed to go. To you, it looked like they were robots to be perfect in your society, and honestly, you couldn't blame them.

When your parents had high expectations for you, you didn't know why you felt as if you failed them. You turned your head to look back at the street in front of you, pulling your hood up to hide your head and face. You thought back to when you were eating with [f/n] as a small sigh left your lips.

"So, [name]. Have you found anyone?" [f/n] asked, wiggling their eyebrows as they grinned, nudging your side gently with their elbow to get an answer from you. "What are you, thirteen? It hasn't come to mind to meet people or date someone." You shrugged your shoulders lazily as you continued to eat your ramen, ignoring the disappointed pout that your friend was giving you.

"It wouldn't hurt to meet someone." Although you appreciated their encouragement to, at least, meet new people, you decided to give it a thought. "Mm, I'll think about it. If you're not going to eat your ramen, let me eat it."

"Huh?! Don't be mean, [name]!"

As you made your way back to the dorm, you were in your world as you tried to ignore the whispers in your head that told you that you were worthless. While everyone around you was successful in their school life, you often got compared to others and been told you would never do anything good enough in your life while growing up. As you listened to music, you looked at both sides off the street to look for any cars.

You thought you didn't see any vehicles, so you stepped onto the road and began walking as quickly as you could to get home. As you were zoning out, you didn't hear the desperate and rapid honks from the truck coming towards you until you looked over to see what was going on until it was too late. The lights blinded you before a large amount of pain arose through your body. You didn't even have time to let out a pained scream until you landed on the street, your [h/c] hair fanning out as your chest heaved as you were desperate to fight for your life.

As your ears rang, the faint noise of someone yelling was something you could no longer hear. Your eyes swelled with tears from the pain as your vision began to blur out. While you tried your best not to close your eyes, you were much in pain to keep your eyes open. When sleep embraced your body, you could no longer feel any pain anymore.

Why do I smell a forest? Am I in hell or am I still alive?

A small pained groan left your lips before opening your eyes slowly to see the sky filled with stars and the moon above you. The smell of pine needles and grass filled your nose, causing you to sit up to look around the area. There was nothing but silence in the forest, and you laid on the grass near a road. The sound of cars wasn't present to your ears, and even that was weird to you.

"Where the hell am I?"

You mumbled to yourself before picking yourself up from the ground, dusting the dirt and grass off your hoodie to look around. You didn't see any signs of a train station or train tracks for the matter as you managed to get a better look at the field. Of course, there were houses nearby, but even the sight made your stomach drop because you felt like something wrong was going to happen. As you made your way into the forest to see if there were any homes, the eerie silence caused goosebumps to rise on your skin.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now