A Battle Between the Sun and Moon

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Many decades have passed ever since your encounter with Kokushibo. By now, Yoriichi had grown to become an old man while you stayed young all these years. When his burgundy hair was no more, and when he grew to be blind, that didn't stop you from lingering by his side to help him. You've lost count for all the years you spent with Yoriichi, but it was bittersweet because you remained by his side when you didn't have the chance to grow old with him.

As you slipped on his haori for him, you stared at Yoriichi with such sad eyes as he was on his way to hunt down his brother without you by his side. Eventually, you told him the truth about Kokushibo turning you into a demon, but you didn't want to let Yoriichi go. Before he could take a step out of your home, you reached out your hand to grab onto his haori as before to pull him back.

"Please don't go."

You whispered as a tear rolled down your cheek because you felt something unfortunate was going to happen to Yoriichi if you didn't go with him. You knew he could take care of himself, but that feeling remained because you loved this man with every fiber of your being.

"[name], I will be back home before sunrise."

He whispered, placing his rough-surfaced hand on your cheek as he stared down at you with a gentle faint smile to reassure you that he will be okay. You set your hand over his, brushing your cheek against his palm as you tried your best to persuade him not to go search for his missing brother. "Please don't go, Yoriichi. I'm begging you." You whispered as you made sure to have a strong grip on his haori to prevent him from leaving the house because of this bad feeling in your gut.

"[name], please look at me. As I said, I will be back before sunrise."

When Yoriichi cupped your face to make you look up at him, he didn't see the tears roll down your cheeks because you were scared of losing him. When you spent this many years with him without a chance to go back to your era, it was harder to let him go by himself to hunt down the man who turned you into a demon. Hesitantly, you slowly let go of his haori as you watched him leave the house, venturing into the forest in the dark.

While you stood there on the porch, you fiddled your kimono sleeves as you debated if you should go with him or not. "Come back to me safely, Yoriichi." You whispered to yourself when you could no longer see him as if he completely disappeared in the dark without a trace. Instead of going after him, you trusted him to come home to you, staring at the wedding ring he gave to you many years earlier when he asked you to be his wife many years ago.

As your fingertips caress the silver ring on your finger, your eyes saddened as you could only hope for Yoriichi to come back to you. With your memories rushing back to you when Yoriichi first proposed to you, it brought a sad smile to your lips. All you planned to do was to stay with him for the rest of his life until he died of natural causes since you were a demon. There was no way you could magically turn back into a human and grow old with him when it was already too late. 

"I remember it like it was yesterday." 

While you weren't allowed to go outside during the daytime, Yoriichi did everything he could to help you become comfortable as a demon despite what happened. Still, you appreciated his efforts by lighting the house with lanterns and told you stories of his travels when you weren't with him. As you were admiring the stars one evening with a gentle smile on your face, Yoriichi walked over to you and put his haori over your shoulders.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now