Reunion In the Afterlife

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When you opened your eyes, the smell of food was the first thing your senses caught. When you looked around the area, you raised an eyebrow when you saw people laughing and smiling as they walked past you. The familiar sight of the festival and lanterns lighting up the sky caused a tear to roll down your cheek.

It was a sight that caused you to cry with emotions running everywhere. When you looked at your hands, you realized that you wore the identical kimono you wore for the festival you went to with Yoriichi. When you looked everywhere for your husband, you stood out as you searched desperately for him because you wanted to find him.


You cried out for him as you continued to search for him. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around to see Yoriichi softly smiling down at you with such relieved eyes. Before he could open his mouth as his eyes widen in shock when you jumped onto him and encircled your arms around him tightly, wailing into his shoulder.

"I'm mad at you! Why did you have to leave me so soon?! I'm angry with you, Yoriichi!"

You yelled into his shoulder as you continued to sob into his haori without a moment of hesitation. Without a response, Yoriichi wrapped his arm around your waist and buried his fingers into your hair, pulling you close to him as if he would lose you again.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, [name]. I apologize for burdening you to defeat Muzan. You did a good job. I am proud of you, my love."

He whispered into your ear before cupping your face to make you look at him as he continued to smile when he wiped your tears away with his thumbs. "I want to make it up to you, my love. I am so sorry for leaving you." None of this was his fault, so you didn't know why he apologized when it was his time to go.

"Stop apologizing, Yori. You couldn't control anything. It was so painful for me, Yoriichi. It was painful to be alone for so many years." You then wiped your remaining tears with your sleeve. Before you could say a word, Yoriichi lowered his head and pressed his lips upon yours, holding your face with such a gentle touch.

"I will gladly make it up to you. I love you, [name]."

Yoriichi then pressed his forehead against yours as he held you with such love because he missed you, and it was painful for him when he separated himself from you. Finally, you were able to be at peace with him because you missed him very much. When the memories came back to you, a few tears rolled down your cheeks.

You didn't have the chance to avenge the other Demon Slayers and say goodbye to everyone else. "Will it be enough? I didn't save those dumb kids. Do you think I did enough, Yoriichi?" You questioned before craning your neck to your husband to see if you did enough in your life. Even though Tanjiro and everyone risked their lives to defeat Muzan once and for all, you thought you didn't do enough. Yoriichi knew what went through your mind, so he placed a kiss on your forehead and wiped your tears with his thumb.

"You did enough, [name]. Although you may think you did not provide any help, you did what you could to help everyone. You were strong enough to live on and help the Demon Slayers finish their lifelong mission. Even if you did not kill off Muzan yourself, you provided a chance to save everyone."

Yoriichi reassured you with a gentle smile on his expression because he knew you were strong enough to keep living without him. You placed your hand over his, rubbing your cheek against his palm as one last tear rolled down your cheek. "I missed you so much, Yoriichi. You have no idea."

You smiled sadly at the other before wiping your remaining tears. When you laid your head against his chest, his heartbeat reassured you that he was not a dream after you passed away, and now it was time to go back home to the modern world. "

"Will I ever find you again?"

You questioned before looking at Yoriichi with a frown because it took you this many years to be with him again, and he was right with you. "I barely came back to you, and I don't want to lose you once more, Yoriichi! It was painful enough to live because I didn't have you with me! I don't want to leave you again-" Before you could express your fear of loneliness again, Yoriichi pressed his lips against yours to shut you up for food as he held your face with a gentle touch.

"Of course, you will find me again."

Yoriichi softly smiled in response before wiping your tear away from your cheek with his thumb to reassure you. "I'm sorry for leaving you, [name]. Will you forgive me?" He whispered, pressing his forehead against yours as he held you close to his chest because he finally managed to have the chance to apologize and reunite with you.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Yoriichi. I focused on finding a way to turn back into a human and kill Muzan to get to you. I hope you can forgive me for wanting to have revenge against your brother."

You knew how much Yoriichi loved Michikatsu, and it made you guilty. After all, you focused on killing and erasing his exitance because you were vengeful to have revenge. Before you could say a word, your [e/c] eyes widen in shock at the familiar sight of a man walking towards you with remorse in his eyes.



Despite your anger, Yoriichi held you back from launching an attack on him because he knew of your anger and hatred. "[name], you do not need to forgive him, but he wants to atone for what he has done." He tried to reason with you because he knew how much anger and sadness you held on your shoulders because of him.

"I have every right to be angry with him. He turned me into a demon without a choice, he killed you, and he killed Muichiro and Genya! I have every right to be angry!"

You protested before crossing your arms over your chest as Michikatsu stared at you with remorse for what he did, and now he knew how much he hurt you when he was alive. Yoriichi knew how much anger there was in your heart, and it pained him because a lot happened to you when he passed away, and he felt he was responsible for leaving you alone for numerous years without him in your life. 

You knew it would take a long time to forgive him for what he did, but it still didn't excuse his actions for what he did to you and killed two kids you treasured. After a moment of silence and thinking, you decided it would be enough to think things through without letting your anger get in the way. "It will take me many years to forgive you for what you did, Michikatsu. I won't forgive you now because of what you did, but I'll eventually get rid of this grudge I have for you. I won't forgive you now. I won't forgive you right this minute for what you did. But for your sake and mine, I will let this go because I want to be with Yoriichi the most."

You wanted to make it clear to both brothers that you didn't forgive Michikatsu, and you wanted to be with Yoriichi because you've looked forward to reuniting him once again. When you linked your arm with Yoriichi's, you began making your walk as he followed after you, motioning his head to Michikatsu to follow you both.

As much as you held a grudge now, you were able to put it to the side and reunite with Yoriichi because that's what you wanted. Slowly, you enveloped that warm light as there was a gentle smile on your lips because you were finally going home. You finally reunited with Yoriichi, and now you were on your way back where you belonged. As scared as you were to go back home, you had Yoriichi with you.

No matter what the future has in store for us, I will find you once again, Yoriichi. I promise you.


Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now