Hello, Tamayo

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When the news arrived that Tamayo had entered the Corps, you couldn't believe it at first. It had been over two hundred years since you last saw her when she helped you evolve your body to remove Kibutsuji's curse, which you were grateful she helped removed. When you made your way to her location, you hesitantly wrapped your hand around the handle of the door once you arrived at the clinic, detecting both Shinobu and Tamayo's conversation. When you heard their conversation stop abruptly, you slowly let go of the handle and brought your hand to your side, debating if you should enter the room or not.

"[name]-sama. It's alright to enter the room."

Shinobu smiled once you opened the door and closed the door behind you before taking a step into the room. "Forgive me for the intrusion. I was curious about our guest." You rose your head to smile at Tamayo, who returned a faint smile in response since it had been some time. "It seems you are well, [name]. I'm happy to see you are alright." Tamayo greeted with a smile as the two of you stood there awkwardly while Shinobu questioned how you two knew each other and sensed the awkward atmosphere in the air. Shinobu decided to excuse herself to leave to grab a few supplies and left the room, leaving you and Tamayo alone.

"What made you accept to come here?"

You asked, crossing your arms over your chest and patiently waited for her response. "I accepted because I want to help rid Muzan's existence. I'm sure you have the same goal in mind or something more." She responded with a faint smile as the two of you stared at each other since it had been some time since you two last seen each other. "If you don't mind me asking, have you found a cure to turn back into a human?"

You questioned because there had to be a way, but you also knew you wouldn't serve much of a purpose if you were human. If you were to fight, you didn't want to rely on anyone and let people protect you. Many people lost their lives protecting you, and you wanted to know because you missed being in the sun. "It seems there is a way to become human, but I have yet to find the cure. Tanjiro is on his way collecting blood samples from the Twelve Kizuki to see if there is a cure."

Tamayo shortly responded after she saw the look of hope in your eyes. "You have that same look in your eyes when Yoriichi spared me. Is he your reason for wanting to turn back into a human?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side as she waited patiently for your answer. "Yes. Even if he's gone, I want to turn back into a human. Once all of us kill Muzan off and his minions, I can live my life in peace." You answered before sitting down on a chair since it had been some time you last talked to Tamayo.

"I do hope we can defeat Muzan, Tamayo. This war between humans and demons has been going on for long enough." You sighed, running your fingers through your hair until you both turned your heads to see Shinobu standing there in the doorway.

"Well, I'll be out of your hair now. It was nice talking to you, Tamayo." 

You then stood up from your chair and walked towards the door, excusing yourself to leave the two women alone so they could work on the drug that could defeat Muzan once and for all. You didn't want to get in their way, so it was better to leave as soon as Shinobu came into the room.

I do hope we can defeat Muzan soon.

You thought to yourself before walking towards the training grounds where most of your memories occurred. As much as you wanted to forget about everything, an exasperated sigh left your lips as you ran your fingers through your hair, wondering what you should do now. Since it was already night, you didn't have much to worry about since you enjoyed your daily night walks.

No matter how much you tried to bury those good memories in the void of your heart, you missed the times when you made food for everyone and when everything was so simple back then. When Tamayo exited the room after hours passed, she caught sight of you staring at the moon with such a sad expression that showed you longed to see Yoriichi again. As soon as your ears detected her faint footsteps, you glanced over your shoulder and greeted her with a gentle smile.

"Did you need something?"

You softly questioned, waiting for her answer patiently. You knew how hard she worked to kill Muzan, and honestly, you couldn't blame her hatred for Muzan after what he did to her. When she told you her story when Muzan tricked her into becoming a demon, it looked like you both had the same hatred and anger for two different people who turned you into the monsters you swore to destroy.

"No, I was wondering what you are thinking about. The Demon Slayers will defeat Muzan, [name]. I will try my best to make the cure."

Tamayo reassured with a gentle smile as she stood beside you, wondering how much life changed you throughout the years. She could already see you have been through a lot and saw what was inside your heart. All she saw was anger, sadness, and hatred, although she had no clue what was on your mind since you were different back then when she first met you.

"Thank you for helping us, Tamayo. I appreciate it a lot. I want to see the end of Muzan. I have no personal connection to him, and he ruined numerous lives, including yours. Thank you for helping us out."

For the first time, you smiled at Tamayo because you were determined to see the end of Muzan and end Kokushibo's life too. Even though there was a long road ahead, you were hopeful because you believed in everyone, and you knew they were going to train hard for the battle.

"You do not need to thank me, [name]. We both have different goals in mind, but I want to help an old friend. Because Yoriichi spared my life, I will help you."

Tamayo responded before excusing herself to leave the Corps after she said what she needed to tell you. As you watched her leave headquarters, you looked back at the sky and reached out your hand to the stars as if you could touch them.

"I'll be with you soon, my love. Wait for me."


A/n: Hey, everyone! Sorry for the late chapter! I have been busy with school lately, and I will be going on a trip soon with my family, so I won't be able to update as much. Of course, I will finish this book before going on my trip, so I've been busy catching up with my schoolwork. Again, sorry for the lack of updates, but this story will end soon, sadly. But I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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