Tanjiro's Trial

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"What on earth are you all screaming for?"

You demanded as soon as you approached the Hashira, wondering what was going on before looking down at the boy who was squirming around as if he was trying to find someone. "[name]-sama! This boy is on trial right now for bringing a demon with him when he is a Demon Slayer!"

Rengoku shouted with a smile which caused you to wonder how he could say violent things with a smile, but he managed to give you an idea of what was going on. "Is that so?" You asked before crouching down to get a closer look at the boy, cupping his chin to make him look up at you as you stared at the boy. "You resemble Sumiyoshi in a way... and you have his earrings." You spoke out, examining the frightened boy who reminded you of yourself when you first came to the Sengoku era.

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado! My little sister was turned into a demon, but she has never eaten someone before! Up until now and from now on, she will never hurt a living person! Please, miss! You can help me!"

When you heard what happened, all of the other Hashira argued while Tanjiro yelled out in protest that he became a Demon Slayer to find a cure for his sister Nezuko. "Boy, there is no cure for demons turning back into a human. There is no other way." You sighed before turning on your heel to let the Hashira handle this so you could tell the current Oyakata-sama what was happening.

"I have a question. It doesn't seem like Oyakata-sama has grasped this situation yet. Can we just deal with this on our own? We should wait until he arrives." Mitsuri spoke out quietly after the whole situation happened, causing you to look over your shoulder and nodded along with what Mitsuri said.

"As much as I would like to ask my questions to the boy, Mitsuri-chan does have a point. We need to wait until Oyakata-sama arrives."

You nodded your head in agreement, remaining oblivious to Mitsuri's thoughts when she thought of you as graceful and beautiful when you were serious. Before you could open your mouth to try to control the tension in the air, you turned your head to see Sanemi holding a box as he insulted Tanjiro with a sadistic smile on his lips.

Oh no.

You thought to yourself, a sigh leaving your lips as you stared at Sanemi with such sternness that one would fear if they had enough guts to challenge you. As much as you loved these kids, some of them were a handful, and it was difficult sometimes to keep them in line when Kagaya wasn't here to help you.

"So you're the idiotic member who brought the demon. What the hell were you planning to do?"

"Please don't act on your own, Shinazugawa-san."

"I agree. Put down the damn box or else I will smack you upside the head and make sure you are left unconscious for a week."

By the way you answered with a stern tone, the other Hashira had their eyes on you, waiting in anticipation since you were not afraid to confront Sanemi if needed. The two of you had the same temper, and it wasn't easy to be on good terms when the two of you had different perspectives, but you were already involved in this matter.

"Ha?! Even if you are a part of the Demon Slayer Corps, you act like you're a big shot around here, old hag!"

Did this little shit just call me an old hag? Is it illegal to punch the eyebrowless Bakugo wannabe?

Sanemi remarked with a hint of sass in his tone when he called you an old hag which caused a tick mark to appear on your head as you stared down at Sanemi. Before you could respond, he stabbed the box and couldn't do anything when Tanjiro began running towards Sanemi. "I will never forgive anybody, pillar or whatever, who hurts my little sister!"

Tanjiro shouted before launching himself into the air, smacking his forehead against Sanemi's as the two of them dropped to the ground. When you detected the smell of blood, both you and Mitsuri snorted at the sight of what happened, covering your mouth with your sleeve before clearing your throat afterward. Before another fight could happen, you let out a relieved sigh when Kagaya entered the premises and began to speak with the other Hashira.

You then bowed to Kagaya, apologizing for creating a mess while he was gone. "I apologize on my behalf, Oyakata-sama. I should have minded my business and went on with my day instead of arguing with them." You apologized as you were willing to bow to the sickly man you served for a long time. While it did take a while for the current Hashira to warm up to you, you thought of them as your family who you haven't seen in years.

As the trial continued, Nezuko finally revealed herself and turned herself away when Sanemi taunted her to bite into his arm. Once it was confirmed that Nezuko wasn't a threat, a small sigh left your lips before standing up from the ground to walk away until you stopped to look at Tanjiro one last time. When Tanjiro caught you staring at him, you quickly turned your head to keep walking as if nothing bothered you.

You were sure that Yoriichi would come back to you somehow, but there was hope in that boy. As much as he resembled Yoriichi and it didn't make you feel any better to see his earrings, you didn't let it bother you as it was none of your business to know about Tanjiro and Nezuko's journey.

"Wait! You have a sad scent! Do I know you from somewhere?"

Tanjiro called out to you when he detected your melancholy scent as you proceeded to walk until you turned to look at him one last time. "No, you don't know me. I thought you were someone else. You resemble him very much." You gently replied in return as you smiled faintly at the boy, your [e/c] orbs glistening with such sorrow and pain.

Despite wearing a beautiful smile on your lips, it was clear to Tanjiro that you were a sad and lonely soul who had her reasons to be in the Demon Slayer Corps even when you were a demon. "Do you have any other questions for me, boy?" You asked, waiting for his answer patiently as you stood in the garden as if you were in a breathtaking painting. When a sorrowful woman holding an umbrella was a sight to see for the Hashira, who didn't know much about you and your past.

"Why do you have a sad scent?"

"That is something I will keep to myself. I wish you luck finding the cure for your sister. I hope you and your sister do not live your lives with regrets."

When you resemble him, how can I not be upset? I couldn't save my husband.

You thought to yourself before excusing yourself to walk away. You went on your way to go back to your room after Tanjiro was taken away to the Butterfly Mansion. Before heading back to your room, you looked up at the sky as soon as you stood in a particular place in the headquarters. "I promise on my soul to keep those dumb kids alive." You whispered to yourself before placing your hand over your chest. Although no one could hear you, you wanted to make sure no one died because you have already seen enough death. You weren't going to let any more kids die and that was a promise.

Even when you didn't show it as much, you loved the Hashira, including that little shit named Sanemi. When you looked up at the sky again, you gently smiled before proceeding to go to your room after such a long day. Of course, one thought lingered through your mind as soon as you entered the dimly lit room:

I have to make sure these kids don't die on me.


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