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It had been a few months since you woke up in the hospital. Although you had no memories, you had felt this feeling of happiness and longing even when you didn't know why. Since it had been months since Yoriichi asked you to get a cup of coffee with him, it became an everyday thing to meet him at the usual cafe. Instead, this was a date, and you were nervous as hell about it even though you had been dating for some time.

While you were on the phone with Yoriichi, he softly chuckled when he heard you throw a bunch of outfits from the closet, wondering what you should wear since you were going on a date with him. "Are you sure you're not throwing your clothes around, [name] and not running around?"

He questioned with a smile as you rambled, struggling to put on your shoes while bouncing around to put them on. After all, you were running a little late, but it reassured you a bit that he didn't get mad at you for being late. "Nope! I'm leaving the house- Shit!" You toppled over yourself and landed on the ground, letting out an annoyed huff before blowing a piece of hair away from your face.

"Are you alright?"

Yoriichi asked, raising an eyebrow when he heard you cuss for the first time on the phone with him and heard a loud thump when you fell to the floor. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm on my way now. I'll see you there." You then said your goodbye and hung up on him, groaning with annoyance because you embarrassed yourself while on the phone with him.

Once you managed to leave the house, you were on your way to the cafe as you looked around the city you loved with a bright smile on your face. After spending time with Yoriichi, he finally dared to invite you on a date, and little did you know that he was nervous because he didn't want to make himself look like a fool.

Once you arrived at the cafe, the bell rang once you entered and the smell of coffee caused a smile to brighten. You always felt it's weird loving the scent of a fresh cup of coffee, but it had a pleasant aroma to the peaceful cafe you fancied to go to with Yoriichi.

Speak of the devil.

When Yoriichi waved at you with a bright smile on his lips, you could've sworn your heart skipped a beat right then and there when he smiled at you. Pull yourself together, [name]! You thought to yourself before waving back at Yoriichi in response. You then walked over to his table and sat across from him.

As the two of you exchanged greetings, you almost forgot why you were nervous in the first place because the two of you talked and caught up as if this wasn't a date. When Yoriichi took a good look at how you dressed, his expression softened because you were beautiful in his eyes no matter what. When you caught him staring at you, you tilted your head to the side once you received your [f/d] you ordered before and wondered why he was staring at you.

"Sorry, you look beautiful. Well, you are beautiful every day I see you."

He rubbed the back of his neck shyly before staring at the table as if he was a shy high schooler who was trying to talk to his crush regularly. He's so cute. You thought to yourself with a smile before reassuring him and thanked him for his compliment with a smile as the two of you began chatting again since you were happy you could go on a date with him.

After spending time in the cafe, you decided to head to the park and take a stroll there together. As you walked beside Yoriichi, your hand accidentally brushed against his until you realized what you did. You instantly pull your hand away shyly, apologizing for no apparent reason when he didn't see any harm.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now