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A full two weeks had passed since you were transported to this era. During those two weeks, you learned a lot about demons and what the demon slayers do for a living. As much as you wanted to learn how to use a sword to defend yourself, some of the men were hesitant to teach you. Of course, you could understand why they were hesitant because you were clumsy as hell.

There was one time you were walking around carrying an important vase and tripped over yourself. Luckily, Yoriichi was nearby and caught both you and the vase, giving you a light scolding to watch where you were walking. But of course, you still had your usual bickering with Michikatsu, but it turns out that the two of you were slowly starting to warm up to one another, but that didn't stop you from getting on his nerves most of the time.

As you were walking through the headquarters with a tray of food to deliver to the other demon slayers, you wanted them to take care of themselves because you wanted to make sure they were eating well. Once you arrived at the training grounds, you greeted Yoriichi and the other demon slayers. "Here you go. I made these myself, so I hope you guys will like them."

You smiled before offering the tray of Onigiri and rice balls to them since they had been working so hard. Yoriichi quietly thanked you before grabbing one of the rice balls and took a small bite. "Your cooking is amazing, [name]." He quietly murmured under his breath, thanking you with a small smile as he continued to eat.

"Thank you, Yoriichi-san. I appreciate the consideration."

You responded with a bright smile, internally crying with joy because someone finally said that your cooking was astounding and not have someone watch over you to prevent you from burning down the damn kitchen. Michikatsu stared down at you with caution as he slowly reached out his hand to grab a rice ball, keeping a sharp eye on you as he did so. When you noticed this, you glared daggers at him and furrowed your eyebrows, frowning at him.

"I'm not going to poison you, Michikatsu. Your brother is eating it, so there's no need to be cautious about everything I do or make." Most of the men grabbed your rice balls and thanked you for the snack, appreciating the fact you cared for their well-being. Yoriichi and the other men decided to stay out of your usual bickering with Michikatsu as the two of you glared at one another.

"And if you do poison me, I'll make sure I kill you in my next life." 

"Bold of you to assume you'll ever find me in the next life, asshole."

"What did you just call me, you small-brained rat?"

"You heard me. Do I have to say it louder until you understand what I said?"

You and Michikatsu butted heads as you both glared at one another. As much as his mother raised Michikatsu and Yoriichi to respect women, Michikatsu held himself back from strangling you while you held yourself back to do the same thing. Yoriichi sighed before walking over to the two of you and separated you from him as he stood there between you both.

"Brother, I know how much you want to strangle her, but you know better than to be rude to a woman," Yoriichi spoke before looking over to you to give you a scolding frown as you hung your head in shame, "[name], please do not be rude to my brother. I want you to be friends with him instead."

Instead of arguing with him, you nodded and gave your hand out to Michikatsu, expecting him to shake it as much as you wanted to step on his foot and headbutt him right at that moment. Before you had any plans to do so, Yoriichi looked over to you since he was basically giving you the puppy eyes despite holding a blank expression. But of course, who were you to resist his adorable expression. With a defeated sigh, you gave your hand to him as much as you wanted to bite Michikatsu's hand.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now