A Peaceful Morning

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As Yoriichi opened his eyes slowly, a small groan left his lips as he sat up to rub his eyes, the covers falling off his chest, looking over to the window to see it was daybreak. When he turned to look at you, he was able to hear your soft snores as you slept peacefully beside him. As the morning sun shined on your skin, he softly smiled before laying back down beside you since he was considerate enough not to wake you up.

Yoriichi slowly reached out his hand to brush a few strands of hair away from your face, his fingers grazing upon your cheek with a delicate touch. Gradually, Yoriichi encircled his arm around your waist and lightly drew you close to his chest as if he was guarding you when it was only natural of him to cuddle you even if you were asleep.

"So beautiful."

He murmured to himself before planting a peck on your forehead since he wasn't assuming you to be conscious at this instant. When he believed he could get away with complimenting and give kisses, you lazily wrapped your arm around him as a tired groan left your [l/c] lips. "Thank you for telling me that, but I prefer you to call me beautiful when I'm awake."

He immediately looked away from you, hiding the lower part of his face with his hand as you grinned at him once you opened your eyes. You were fortunate to see his flustered retreat once more because it was payback for making you blush various times.

"I thought you were asleep-"

"You assumed wrong."

You laughed, planting a kiss against his chest as you felt safe in his arms. Despite your activity the night before, nothing has changed between you both except he was timid around you. "[name], did I cause you any harm to you last night?" He questioned quietly, cupping your face to make you look at him as his eyes showed worry and concern because he knew that he lost himself at some points throughout the night.

"No, you didn't hurt me. I do feel sore, but it was only my first time. You didn't hurt me at all, okay?"

You reassured him with a gentle smile, craning your neck upwards to place a kiss on his nose while you were careful enough to hold the bedsheets close to your chest. Although he felt he caused you harm, Yoriichi was grateful you reassured him because he was sure to give you pleasure because he wanted to show his love for you without any intentions of harming you.

"That is good news to hear. I was worried I hurt you."

He whispered, pressing his forehead against yours as his lips brushed upon yours to give a morning kiss. As the two of you shared a passionate kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close as if nothing was stopping you from being close to each other. Once you pulled away from the kiss, you gave him one last peck to his cheek before getting up with the blanket to cover your body in the process.

"I'll make breakfast."

In response, Yoriichi nodded before placing his arm over his eyes as he rested there. When you turned to look at him, you softly smiled at Yoriichi because you loved how caring he was towards you. You didn't regret anything last night and were happy because you trusted him enough to do that with the man you loved the most.

As soon as you got dressed and made your way to the kitchen, Yoriichi followed after you after he got dressed. Once arriving at the kitchen, he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as you prepared breakfast. 

"My, you're affectionate this morning."

You cooed teasingly, turning your head to kiss his head. "I am always affectionate." He mumbled into your shoulder, placing butterfly kisses on the nape of your neck as the night before. As much as you liked the idea of staying here with Yoriichi, it was going to be harder to say goodbye to him if the time comes.

If you went back to your era, you would only leave Yoriichi in heartbreak. The thought of it caused you to stop doing whatever you were doing and placed your hand over his as your grip tightened on his hand as if you didn't want to let him go. Yoriichi was not oblivious to understand how you felt because he knew how much you wanted to stay with him since you were from another era.

"Are you thinking about going home again?"

He questioned gently before lifting his head from your shoulder to look over to you with worry in his expression. When he moved a few strands of hair away from your face, you turned to look at him and nodded in response. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring the mood down." You laughed, waving your hand as if you were trying to convince Yoriichi that you were okay.

As much as you didn't like the idea of separating yourself away from Yoriichi, you had a feeling the time was going to come sooner or later. "My love, please look at me. I know the time will come sooner or later. If it does come, I want you to promise to let me go. If you return to your time, I will never forget you." He wasn't going to sugarcoat everything because this was the reality between the two of you.

Yoriichi understood the situation because you didn't belong here. Before you could say a word, he interrupted you when he kissed you without having any intention of letting you speak. "You interrupted me." You huffed your cheeks at him, poking his chest repeatedly as you pouted since you couldn't give a response to him. "I wanted to prevent you from having serious thoughts. I know how your mind works."

Before you could respond to his remark, he slyly lifted you in bridal style and carried you back to the futon after remaking it and washed the sheets, replacing them with new ones. "Yoriichi! Let me go!" You whined once he laid you back down and made his way back to the kitchen.

"No. You need sleep. I will prepare breakfast."

"Yori, you're so mean!"


Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now