I'm Sorry...

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"Sorry, it had to be this way."

You whispered to yourself before taking this chance to run as fast as you could back to your home because you didn't want Yoriichi to suffer again. I have to get back home! I can't leave Yoriichi! You screamed at yourself, pushing yourself to the limit to run as fast as you could back to safety despite running around like an injured animal. Before you were in the line of sight of your home, you were too late when Kokushibo grabbed you from behind and stopped you as you struggled in his arms.

"Let me go! Flower Breathing, Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility!" You shouted at the top of your lungs before summoning a graceful flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves, causing you to free yourself from Kokushibo for the meantime. But of course, it was all in vain when he blocked your attack, proving that it was hopeless to fight him when you were weak in combat.

"Why? Why me? Why do you have to do this?! Why?! Why can't I live in peace with your brother? Why did you have to come back into my life?!" You screamed at the other even though it was pointless when he appeared behind you without a response.

"You can be useful to me. Let us see who will live or who will die? Will you continue to beg and cry, or will you develop? Will you grow strong or weak?" Before you could ask what he was talking about, it was too late when blood came out of your mouth as you touched your chest to see there was blood from the fight from before.

"How long will you continue to fight me, [name]?"

Kokushibo asked himself quietly as he watched your movements altogether. As he watched you charge at him once more, he didn't bother moving as he saw there was too much emotion in you to fight. "Moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flowers Moongazing." He quietly spoke as he performed several slashes to defend him from incoming attacks while also creating a barrage of crescent blades. While you were in the air, you were about to deliver your Second Form until you saw his attacks, causing you to spin your body into the air.

"Flower Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!" You shouted, whirling in the air while you moved your body to deliver an attack on him. You weren't prepared enough to shield his attack when one of the crescent blades grazed across your chest when you thought you dodged it in time. Without worrying about it, you had no idea it was going to cause this much harm to you.

"Y-You bastard!"

You held your chest as tight as you could as blood fell from your lips to the soil on the ground. When you stared at Kokushibo, it was clear to him that you weren't going to give up, you instantly drew your blade to sever his legs right in front of you. Before that could happen, he grabbed you by the collar once more after slitting his palm as his blood came in contact with the wound on your chest.


"You will become the very monster you swore to destroy. Once you have grown strong enough, I will give you the chance to defeat me. If you want to kill me, despise me, hate me, and live in an unsightly way, run. Cling to your pathetic life and Yoriichi's. Some day, when you have the same strength as I do, come before me."

After saying what he had to say, he threw you to the ground as you cried out in pain, experiencing the worse pain you could ever imagine. As you rolled around in the soil, your cries of pain were all could be heard as Kokushibo walked away without a glance of remorse in his eyes.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now